week 7 discussion answers

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

week 7 discussion answers

week 7 discussion answers
week 7 discussion answers

Nursing homework help

There are multiple steps to make sure the researcher is prepared and has met the requirements to submit research to a professional journal. Here are a few from our textbook.

1. Select a journal that matches the subject of your study and make sure the journal publishes research

2. What is the rejection rate and have similar articles been published lately? Make sure the research paper will add value to the journal to avoid rejection

3. Follow all format rules including any page limitations and make sure the article is of interest to the journal.

4. Assemble all your material such as references, the original proposal, and other pertinent materials before creating the outline. The outline should include an introduction that catches the reader’s attention, the importance and purpose of the study, include a research question such as PICO and a hypothesis, and ask a friend to review and critique the manuscript.

I feel the biggest obstacle would be finding research subject matter that hasn’t already been written about. What could I add to the research that is already out there? Another obstacle would be time and money.