This is your local bar (either coffee or sports.

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

This is your local bar (either coffee or sports. the choice is yours). Here, you will discuss the material covered this week .

Nursing homework help

This is your local bar (either coffee or sports….the choice is yours). Here, you will discuss the material covered this week. Consider this assignment as a weekly study session with your friends from school.

I will only pop in from time to time, but will not participate in your discussions. This is your time to bond with classmates and to discuss the material among yourselves.

By the time this assignment is complete, you will have an outline by which to study from for your exams. All exam questions are covered by the review topics.

As you review this week’s topics, be sure to relax, enjoy your beverage of choice, have fun, and get to know your fellow students.

This is your assignment…..

1) Choose two topics from this week’s review (posted below).

2) Answer ONE review topic PER post

  • You will need TWO posts, so you will outline TWO review topics in total.

3) Start each post with the topic number that you are answering. For example: Topic 1. This will help students readily identify which topics remain unanswered.

4) Each post must be a minimum of 100 words.

5) In your posts, be sure to cite the textbook page number where you found the information.

6) Try to have both posts submitted by Thursday of this week (this way you will have time to make outlines for the exams).

7) Do not outline a topic that has already been explained by a fellow student.

8) If all of the topics have been explained, pick a topic that you feel needs further explanation. Add more information on that topic by way of outside research, examples, and more detail.

9) You will not get credit for repeating information that has already been stated in another post. You want to complete this assignment early. That way, you are not restricted by what other students have already discussed.

10) Points will be deducted for poor grammar, spelling, failing to cite accurately, and failing to meet the word count.

The goal of this assignment…..

Your goal is to create an outline for your exams. Take the material that is posted in the Open Bar, organize it, and you will have a complete review for the exams. The Open Bar from weeks 1 and 2 will prepare you for the midterm; the Open Bar from weeks 3 and 4 will prepare you for the final exam and post test.

My Topic Question

What do the following cases hold?

Darling v. Charleston Community Memorial Hospital

Leavitt v. St. Tammany

Dickinson v. Mailliard

Using the textbook legal aspects of healthcare administration 12th edition by George D. Pozgar.

Other outside sources can be used as well.