Test Bank Financial Markets and Institutions

  • Post category:Accounting
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Test Bank Financial Markets and Institutions

Test Bank Financial Markets and Institutions
Test Bank Financial Markets and Institutions

Accounting Homework Help

The study major and field is going to dictate what it is you see inside the test bank. However, in the basic scheme of things, a test bank will include the following questions:

  1. Multiple choice
  2. True/false
  3. Fill in the blank
  4. Matching
  5. Short questions
  6. Essay question

Chapter 4  Why Do Interest Rates Change?

4.1  Multiple Choice

1) As the price of a bond ________ and the expected return ________, bonds become more attractive to investors and the quantity demanded rises.

A) falls; rises

B) falls; falls

C) rises; rises

D) rises; falls

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

2) The supply curve for bonds has the usual upward slope, indicating that as the price ________, ceteris paribus, the ________ increases.

A) falls; supply

B) falls; quantity supplied

C) rises; supply

D) rises; quantity supplied

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

3) When the price of a bond is above the equilibrium price, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the price will ________.

A) demand; rise

B) demand; fall

C) supply; fall

D) supply; rise

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

4) When the price of a bond is below the equilibrium price, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the price will ________.

A) demand; rise

B) demand; fall

C) supply; fall

D) supply; rise

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

5) When the price of a bond is ________ the equilibrium price, there is an excess supply of bonds and the price will ________.

A) above; rise

B) above; fall

C) below; fall

D) below; rise

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

6) When the price of a bond is ________ the equilibrium price, there is an excess demand for bonds and the price will ________.

A) above; rise

B) above; fall

C) below; fall

D) below; rise

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

7) When the interest rate on a bond is above the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the interest rate will ________.

A) demand; rise

B) demand; fall

C) supply; fall

D) supply; rise

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

8) When the interest rate on a bond is below the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the interest rate will ________.

A) demand; rise

B) demand; fall

C) supply; fall

D) supply; rise

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

9) When the interest rate on a bond is ________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the interest rate will ________.

A) above; demand; fall

B) above; demand; rise

C) below; supply; fall

D) above; supply; rise

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

10) When the interest rate on a bond is ________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess ________ in the bond market and the interest rate will ________.

A) below; demand; rise

B) below; demand; fall

C) below; supply; rise

D) above; supply; fall

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

11) When the demand for bonds ________ or the supply of bonds ________, interest rates rise.

A) increases; increases

B) increases; decreases

C) decreases; decreases

D) decreases; increases

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

12) When the demand for bonds ________ or the supply of bonds ________, interest rates fall.

A) increases; increases

B) increases; decreases

C) decreases; decreases

D) decreases; increases

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

13) When the demand for bonds ________ or the supply of bonds ________, bond prices rise.

A) increases; decreases

B) decreases; increases

C) decreases; decreases

D) increases; increases

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

14) When the demand for bonds ________ or the supply of bonds ________, bond prices fall.

A) increases; increases

B) increases; decreases

C) decreases; decreases

D) decreases; increases

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

15) Factors that determine the demand for an asset include changes in the

A) wealth of investors.

B) liquidity of bonds relative to alternative assets.

C) expected returns on bonds relative to alternative assets.

D) risk of bonds relative to alternative assets.

E) all of the above.

Answer: E

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

16) The demand for an asset rises if ________ falls.

A) risk relative to other assets

B) expected return relative to other assets

C) liquidity relative to other assets

D) wealth

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

17) The higher the standard deviation of returns on an asset, the ________ the asset’s ________.

A) greater; risk

B) smaller; risk

C) greater; expected return

D) smaller; expected return

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

18) Diversification benefits an investor by

A) increasing wealth.

B) increasing expected return.

C) reducing risk.

D) increasing liquidity.

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.A1 Models of Asset Pricing

Question Status: Previous Edition

19) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds ________ and the demand curve shifts to the ________.

A) falls; right

B) falls; left

C) rises; right

D) rises; left

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

20) During business cycle expansions when income and wealth are rising, the demand for bonds ________ and the demand curve shifts to the ________.

A) falls; right

B) falls; left

C) rises; right

D) rises; left

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

21) Higher expected interest rates in the future ________ the demand for long-term bonds and shift the demand curve to the ________.

A) increase; left

B) increase; right

C) decrease; left

D) decrease; right

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

22) Lower expected interest rates in the future ________ the demand for long-term bonds and shift the demand curve to the ________

A) increase; left.

B) increase; right.

C) decrease; left.

D) decrease; right.

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.1 Determining Asset Demand

Question Status: Previous Edition

23) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; falls

B) right; rises

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: A

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

24) When people begin to expect a large run up in stock prices, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; rises

B) right; falls

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

25) An increase in the expected rate of inflation will ________ the expected return on bonds relative to that on ________ assets, and shift the ________ curve to the left.

A) reduce; financial; demand

B) reduce; real; demand

C) raise; financial; supply

D) raise; real; supply

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

26) A decrease in the expected rate of inflation will ________ the expected return on bonds relative to that on ________ assets.

A) reduce; financial

B) reduce; real

C) raise; financial

D) raise; real

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

27) When the expected inflation rate increases, the demand for bonds ________, the supply of bonds ________, and the interest rate ________.

A) increases; increases; rises

B) decreases; decreases; falls

C) increases; decreases; falls

D) decreases; increases; rises

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

28) When the expected inflation rate decreases, the demand for bonds ________, the supply of bonds ________, and the interest rate ________.

A) increases; increases; rises

B) decreases; decreases; falls

C) increases; decreases; falls

D) decreases; increases; rises

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

29) When bond prices become more volatile, the demand for bonds ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) increases; rises

B) increases; falls

C) decreases; falls

D) decreases; rises

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

30) When bond prices become less volatile, the demand for bonds ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) increases; rises

B) increases; falls

C) decreases; falls

D) decreases; rises

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

31) When prices in the stock market become more uncertain, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; rises

B) right; falls

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

32) When stock prices become less volatile, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; rises

B) right; falls

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

33) When bonds become more widely traded, and as a consequence the market becomes more liquid, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; rises

B) right; falls

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

34) When bonds become less widely traded, and as a consequence the market becomes less liquid, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the ________ and the interest rate ________.

A) right; rises

B) right; falls

C) left; falls

D) left; rises

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

35) Factors that cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the left include

A) an increase in the inflation rate.

B) an increase in the liquidity of stocks.

C) a decrease in the volatility of stock prices.

D) all of the above.

E) none of the above.

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

36) Factors that cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the left include

A) a decrease in the inflation rate.

B) an increase in the volatility of stock prices.

C) an increase in the liquidity of stocks.

D) all of the above.

E) only A and B of the above.

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.3 Changes in Equilibrium Interest Rates

Question Status: Previous Edition

37) During an economic expansion, the supply of bonds ________ and the supply curve shifts to the ________.

A) increases; left

B) increases; right

C) decreases; left

D) decreases; right

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

38) During a recession, the supply of bonds ________ and the supply curve shifts to the ________.

A) increases; left

B) increases; right

C) decreases; left

D) decreases; right

Answer: C

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

39) An increase in expected inflation causes the supply of bonds to ________ and the supply curve to shift to the ________.

A) increase; left

B) increase; right

C) decrease; left

D) decrease; right

Answer: B

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market

Question Status: Previous Edition

40) When the federal governments budget deficit increases, the ________ curve for bonds shifts to the ________.

A) demand; right

B) demand; left

C) supply; left

D) supply; right

Answer: D

Topic: Chapter 4.2 Supply and Demand in the Bond Market