Strategic Plan

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Strategic Plan

Nursing homework help

Develop your strategic goal:  Financial stability(for the strategic Goal, keep in mind the overall impact you want this goal to have on your department or the organization as a whole.)

  • Population/Patient problem – Who is it that you are trying to provide service for?
  • Intervention – What is it you are trying to do? Or, what are you fixing?
  • Comparison – Is there a possible alternative to this system? Or, why did I choose this system?
  • Outcome – What is the goal here?
  • Time – How long will this plan take to be implemented?

The plan for your chosen Strategic Organizational Goal should

  • Outline one problem an organization faces related to your selected Strategic Organizational Goal.
  • Develop a solution to the problem identified that utilizes your health information system from Week 1.
  • Evaluate the essentials steps in creating information governance.
  • Articulate the roles and responsibilities of key players in policy, strategies, and challenges.