Specialist In Senior Fitness ISSA health and medicine homework help

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Specialist In Senior Fitness ISSA health and medicine homework help

This week’s assignment:

Short Answer

1. With respect to the aging process, list at least six benefits derived from participation in regular physical activity. Give a brief definition for each. (6)

2. In your own words, describe the effects of normal aging on metabolism. (2)

3. In your own words, describe the effects of normal aging on bone mass. (2)

Learning Experience (20)
Choose one of the following learning experiences. Perform the experience as instructed and write a 250 word essay describing your experience and what you gained from participating. Provide a comprehensive explanation of your findings, including the answer to the learning experience, as well as how this knowledge can benefit you in your service to your future clients, friends, and/or family.

1. Take the Assessment of Healthy Habits Survey found in your course text. Was your score positive or negative? Discuss the areas of your life that need to change in order to increase your life expectancy score. Describe in detail what change(s) you plan to make.

2. Choose one of the negative habits or risk factors from the Assessment of Healthy Habits Survey found in your course text. Find a research article from a scientific journal or magazine that discusses the behavior or condition you’ve chosen. Summarize the findings of the article in your essay, and discuss the actions you can take as a trainer to reduce the effects of the condition on one’s life expectancy.

3. Choose one of the biomarkers listed in your course text. Research the topic and explain in detail the relationship between that biomarker and aging. Discuss the relationship between the symptoms of aging and the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.