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Human trafficking is the act of forcing someone to perform sexual or labor services for a living. It is frequently brought on by poverty, a lack of secure immigration choices, and the need for cheap sex or labor. The purpose of this study is to describe the key strategies to prevent or lessen human trafficking as well as the risk factors for engaging in it.

A person’s likelihood of falling victim to human trafficking can be impacted personally by a variety of characteristics, including lack of education, financial difficulty, gender, age, immigration status, and prior trauma or abuse. Family dysfunction, child neglect, abuse, or relatives who are traffickers are examples of familial risk factors. Lack of social support accepted or justifiable violence in society, and conflicts or natural catastrophes that cause upheaval are all examples of community-level causes. Systemic issues including poverty, crime, and ineffective law enforcement play a role in the risk at the social level. Given these danger signs, primary preventive tactics that attempt to protect against these weaknesses can be quite effective in reducing human trafficking.

Education is a crucial first line of defense. Education initiatives should include preventing human trafficking, encouraging social and emotional development, and imparting critical thinking abilities. These initiatives may be carried out at educational institutions, local communities, or on the internet. (Musto, 2019).

Individuals’ susceptibility to become victims of human trafficking is influenced by a number of risk factors. Socioeconomic vulnerability is a crucial component since those from underprivileged origins and communities frequently look for better prospects, making them simple prey for traffickers. Age and gender also play a big factor, and women and kids are more vulnerable because of societal prejudice and uneven chances. Additionally, migrants and those who have been uprooted often live in unstable situations, making them vulnerable to traffickers who offer them better living conditions. Cultural practices like forced or young marriages might increase the danger of trafficking, particularly for young females. Last but not least, those who struggle with drug misuse are more vulnerable since traffickers’ prey on their reliance to entrap and control them. (Cho et al., 2020)

Effective human trafficking prevention depends on tackling the underlying causes of the problem through basic interventions. Campaigns to raise awareness and educate the public about human trafficking may be effective instruments for equipping communities to see the indications of the crime and defend prospective victims. (Cho et al., 2020)

200 words and (2) scholarly references