Powerpoint 255

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Powerpoint 255

For this discussion, you will create a PowerPoint based on the following:

You are a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner who is practicing as part of a team in a medical home model facility. Patients on the panel are as follows:

  • 68-year-old patient, diagnosed with depression, who has Medicare
  • 34-year-old patient, homeless, diagnosis of Schizophrenia, who has Medicaid
  • 43-year-old patient, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, private/work-provided health insurance
  • 22-year-old patient, undocumented immigrant, diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety, who is uninsured

In your PowerPoint, address the following:

  • Provide an overview of the health care payment system in the United States.
  • How do the current (2017) changes in the ACA impact the patient profile? How do these policy changes impact the provision of care you provide?
  • Integrate the concept of quality determinants to with the conversation related to care provision and management. How is quality determined, measured, and documented?
  • What are the barriers to accessing healthcare in the United States?
  • Identify one policy issue related to psychiatric and mental healthcare that is currently being addressed by your national professional organization and discuss how NPs can become policy-aware, as well as act as patient advocates.

Your PowerPoint should be 15 to 20 slides (no more and no less). Your slides should not be narrative; rather, the use of bullets, charts, and pictures are encouraged. Please use the notes section of the PowerPoint to add narrative. APA formatting of all components is required, including a references list.