Week 6 Assignment
Length: 10-12 pages total (not including title page or references page). 11 pages are already written (see the attached manuscript) but some need revision per the instructor notes.
The below portions need to be added and revisions need to be done on the pages already written per the instructor notes.
Use the DNP Project Manuscript Template in the current APA format. Start with the edited Part 2 Manuscript Assignment, complete all the edits received, and add the Methodology section and appendices as described below.
Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.
1. The final manuscript will be graded on the quality of information, use of current research, use of Standard English and grammar, proper sentence structure, APA format, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the guidelines and grading criteria/rubric.
2. Review the grading rubric carefully and consider how to incorporate each required criterion into Part 2 of the DNP Project Manuscript Template.
3. Review the tutorial on the use of the DNP Project Manuscript Template in the Week 2 lesson.
Please make all the course faculty recommended revisions to your previous papers first. All course faculty recommended revisions must be completed to receive full points in the final assignment. Start working early on this assignment so you can ask your course faculty any questions you may have about the revisions required.
Your final submission will have the following sections:
1. Introduction/Background/ Purpose, Problem
2. Project Aim and Supporting Objectives
3. Practice Question
4. Evidence-Based Intervention with Research Synthesis
5. Methodology
a. Organizational Setting
b. Population
c. Translational Science Model and Project Management Plan
d. Plans for Sustainability
e. Anticipated Outcomes Section
Follow the instructions on the template for the organizational setting, population, and methodology sections. Include the appendices in this final manuscript per the instructions. Submit your edited Part 2 DNP Project Manuscript with the new sections added for this assignment.
1. Organizational Setting
a. Provide a detailed description of the setting for the project including the following:
i. State the type of healthcare setting or community setting.
ii. Describe the location.
iii. Explain the typical patient and typical diagnoses.
iv. Identify how many patients or participants are seen monthly and- If applicable- state the average length of stay.
v. Describe the interdisciplinary care team that contributes to the patients’ health management and outcomes.
2. Population
a. Describe the details of your specific project population.
b. Estimate the approximate total number of participants.
c. Explain inclusion and exclusion criteria for the project.
d. Describe how you will enroll the participants and if informed consent is needed.
3. Translational Science Model and Project Management Plan
a. Identify the theory or model that will serve as the framework for the project; translational science models are recommended.
b. Identify the primary concepts or steps of the model.
c. Create the steps in your DNP practice change project that coincide with the theoretical concepts.
d. Include the timeframe for each step in your project plan (e.g., “in week 1 the data before intervention implementation will be collected”). Describe the project management plan by starting with the timeline of weeks for the project (usual projects are 8-12 weeks, keeping in mind the requirement to implement the intervention for at least eight weeks).
e. The implementation plan must include a full eight weeks of intervention implementation.
f. Include the plan for the pre-and post- summative data collection.
g. Include the weekly plan for the formative evaluation to ensure high intervention fidelity. Develop a week-to-week formative evaluation plan utilizing observation, 1:1 discussions, huddles, leadership meetings, or other processes to describe your project management oversight during implementation.
h. For each step or activity in the intervention plan, identify the intervention week in which that activity will occur.
4. Plans for Sustainability
a. Create your detailed plan to sustain the project over time.
b. Identify the specific strategies used to ensure the project has ongoing evaluation and modification as needed to ensure its success after your implementation phase is complete.
5. Anticipated Outcomes
a. Provide an in-depth discussion connecting the outcome(s) you will measure with determining the effect of the intervention on the outcome. The articles that provide the evidence for the intervention can also provide the support of the outcomes. Use the same outcomes from the intervention research articles. Describe how researchers have tested the intervention on a specific outcome and how we know that the intervention is effective in achieving the targeted outcome.
b. If you plan to use a survey or questionnaire for a data collection tool, state the name of the data collection tool.
c. If you plan to use a survey or questionnaire for a data collection tool, state if permission is required to use that tool and provide the permission letter or email as an appendix. If permission is not required, state the tool is in the public domain and include the citation and reference for the tool.
d. Describe the survey/questionnaire tool identifying the number and type of questions, how it will be administered, how much time it will take for participants to complete and the reliability and validity data statistics of the tool, with a citation from the original authors who validated the tool.
e. If abstracting data from the Electronic Health Record (EHR), the Enterprise Data Warehouse, or a database, state the outcome data that will be abstracted and who will pull the data, when, and how.
6. Appendices
a. Johns Hopkins Evidence Table with a minimum of 10 research studies leveled and graded
b. Data Collection Tools (if applicable)
c. Compliance Checklist
d. Educational Offering Table (outline)
e. Informed Consent (if applicable)
7. References
a. Information in this manuscript must be substantiated by citations.
b. Reference publication dates must be within the last 5 years.
c. References must be from peer-reviewed journals, government websites, and credible national and global organizations.
d. In-text citations should align with the reference page.
e. In-text citations and references must be in the current APA format.
8. Scholarly Writing Criteria
a. Submit the paper on the DNP Project Manuscript Template
b. Use the headers in the template.
c. Use the current APA style and format throughout this assignment.
d. Use the Chamberlain Guideline for Writing Professional Papers (located in Student Resources) to complete this assignment.
e. Turn on Grammarly to check the grammar, sentence structure, and punctuation as you write. (Note: if you have not already done so, please download the free version at before construction of the assignment.)
f. Use third person in this DNP Project Manuscript. However, per APA, you can use first person in the project management section when you are talking about what you will do during implementation.
· Make sure to include the edited Part 1 and 2 manuscript items.
· The nomenclature when saving the file should be Last name_First name_ DNP Project Manuscript_ NR 702_Date.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
· Length: 10-12 pages total (not including title page or references page). 11 pages are already written but some need revision.
· 1-inch margins
· Double-spaced pages
· 12-point Times New Roman font or 11-point Arial
· Headings & subheadings
· In-text citations
· Title page
· References page (without permalinks)
· Standard English usage and mechanics
· Organized presentation of ideas
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Synthesize scientific knowledge, theory, and practice expertise to inform evidence-based practice and impact outcomes. (POs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9)
2. Design an evidence-based translational science project to address a practice problem. (POs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
3. Apply effective strategies in project design for managing practice problems in healthcare delivery at the micro, meso, and macro-system levels. (POs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
4. Demonstrate project management and leadership skills in the design process for the evidence-based translational science project. (POs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
5. Create collaborative relationships with interprofessional and intraprofessional groups to champion organizational improvements through project design. (POs 2, 4, 6, 8)