
First, read through the links for the three key tools for interpretation from the week’s introduction (found below) and the Understanding Poetry Learning Resource at
- Literary language vs. ordinary language: This is the difference between language you would use every day to communicate and language that is used in literature to convey more than one meaning, ambiguous meanings, or deeper meanings.
- Literary genres: poetry fiction, drama: These are the different types of literature which can often need a different approach to interpretation.
- Literary terms: These are the building blocks of interpretation. More information about them is also available here.
Now, list and define two concepts, terms, theories, forms of language etc. you can use to interpret literature. Make sure to use your own words and avoid cutting and pasting from the sources. Make sure to cite any of the learning resources you use in your answer in MLA format.
Week 4 Discussion: 4.2
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS: Your contributions should be thoughtful and developed. Answer all parts of the question and use concepts from the course materials. Use a professional style of communication, with attention to grammar, spelling, and typos; cite your sources.
Unless your instructor specifies otherwise, choose ONE of the following questions, and give a substantive response to at least two other students.
Both of the short stories explore dimensions of the supernatural. Using the tools you have gathered in Discussion 1.1 about literary language, literary genres, and literary terms, compare and contrast the two stories in light of this supernatural theme. Make sure to use at least two tools from Discussion 4.1. Underline or boldthe vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post.
Both Keats and Han Shan explore the theme of a journey, symbolic or literary. Using the tools you have gathered in Discussion 1.1 about literary language, literary genres, and literary terms, compare and contrast the Keats’ sonnet with three of the Cold Mountain poems in light of this journey theme. Make sure to use at least two tools from Discussion 4.1. Underline or bold the vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post.
Compare and contrast one of the poems and one of the stories. Identify a common theme between the two. Using the tools you have gathered in Discussion 1.1 about literary language, literary genres, and literary terms, compare and contrast the two stories in light of this theme. Make sure to use at least two tools from Discussion 4.1. Underline or bold the vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post.
Pick one of the poems or stories and analyze it by itself. Identify a key theme and, using the tools you have gathered in Discussion 1.1 about literary language, literary genres, and literary terms, carefully analyze and interpret your poem or story as an expression of this theme. Make sure to use at least two tools from Discussion 4.1. Underline or bold the vocabulary, concept or technique you use as a interpretative tool in your post.