Identify the duties of the FBI.

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Identify the duties of the FBI.

Learning Objective 8: Analyze the importance of private security today.

A. Multi-layering of law enforcement consists of a wide network of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies

B. Municipal Law Enforcement Agencies

i. Have the broadest authority to apprehend criminal suspects, maintain order, and provide services to the community

ii. Usually responsible for a wide spectrum of duties

Media Tool

“Gangs in San Diego North County”


· A short clip about gang activity and police efforts in San Diego.

C. Sheriffs and County Law Enforcement

i. Sheriff

a. An important figure in American law enforcement

b. Almost every one of more than 3,000 counties in the United States (except those in Alaska) have one

c. In the majority of states, they are elected

1. As elected officials, may not have a law enforcement background

2. Are also politicians

ii. Size and Responsibility of Sheriff’s Departments

a. Vary in size

b. Most are assigned duties by state law

1. Eighty percent of sheriff’s departments have the primary responsibility for investigating violent crimes in their jurisdiction

2. Other common responsibilities include:

i. Investigating drug crimes

ii. Maintaining the county jail

iii. Carrying out civil and criminal processes within county lines

iv. Keeping order in the county courthouse

v. Collecting taxes

vi. Enforcing orders of the court

iii. The County Coroner

a. Also known as a medical examiner

b. Elected official on the county level

c. Has general mandate to investigate “all sudden, unexplained, unnatural, or suspicious deaths reported to the office”

1. Ultimately responsible for determining the cause of death

2. Performs autopsies and assists in homicide investigations

D. State Police and Highway Patrols

i. Created for three reasons

a. Assist local police agencies

b. Investigate criminal activities that cross jurisdictions

c. Provide law enforcement in rural and other areas without local police

ii. State police agencies have statewide jurisdiction and are authorized to perform a wide variety of law enforcement tasks

iii. State highway patrols have limited authority with regard to their jurisdiction or by the offenses they have authority to control

E. Federal Law Enforcement Agencies

i. Do not make up a large part of the nation’s law enforcement force

ii. The Department of Homeland Security

a. Created through the Homeland Security Act signed by President George W. Bush in November 2002

b. Functions as a cabinet-level department designed to coordinate federal efforts to protect the United States against international and domestic terrorism

c. Twenty –two existing agencies were shifted under the control of the Secretary of Homeland Security, the three most visible agencies under DHS are:

1. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

i. Keeps illegal immigrants, drugs, and drug traffickers from crossing the borders

ii. Facilitating the smooth flow of legal trade and travel

iii. U.S. Border Patrol serves as a branch of the CBP

· About 20,000 Border Patrol agents guard 19,000 miles of land and sea border

2. Unregulated Border Entry

i. Mexican and Canadian borders are the most popular among illegal immigrants

ii. Technologies for border control includes helicopters, surveillance towers, reconnaissance planes with infrared radar, and highly sensitive cameras

iii. A new hotspot is Texas’s Rio Grande Valley

3. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

i. implements laws concerning customs and immigration into the United States

· detaining and deporting illegal aliens

· ensuring that individuals without permission do not work or gain benefits

· disrupting human trafficking

4. The U.S. Secret Service

i. Created in 1865 to be primarily responsible for combating currency counterfeiters

ii. Given additional responsibility of protecting the U.S. president, the president’s family, the victim president, the president elect, and former presidents, in 1901

iii. Has also become responsible for protecting political figures

iv. Directs two uniformed groups of law enforcement

· Secret Service Uniformed Division – protects the grounds of the White House and its inhabitants

· Treasury Police Force – polices the Treasury Building in Washington, D. C.

5. Additional DHS Agencies

i. U.S. Coast Guard

ii. The Transportation Security Administration

iii. The Federal Emergency Management Agency

Media Tool

“DHS – ICE – Office of Intelligence Career Opportunities”


· A short clip about the work within the Department of Homeland Security.


iii. The Department of Justice

a. Created in 1870

b. Primary law enforcement agency in the country

c. Responsible for enforcing criminal law and supervising federal prisons

d. Has a number of law enforcement agencies

1. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) (LO 7)

i. Initially created in 1908

ii. Has jurisdiction over nearly 200 federal crimes, including a number of white collar crimes, espionage, kidnapping, extortion, interstate transportation of stolen property, bank robbery, interstate gambling, and civil rights violations

iii. Also combats terrorism and drug trafficking

iv. National Crime Information Center (NCIC) provides lists of stolen vehicles and firearms, missing license plates, vehicles used to commit crimes, and other information to local and state law enforcement agencies

2. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

i. Mission is to enforce domestic drug laws and regulations and to assist other federal and foreign agencies in combating illegal drug manufacture and trade on the international level

ii. Enforces provisions of the Controlled Substances Act

3. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)

i. Concerned with the illegal sale, possession, and use of firearms and the control of untaxed tobacco and liquor products

ii. Regulates all gun trade between the United States and foreign nations and collects taxes on all firearm importers, manufacturers, and dealers

iii. Responsible for policing the illegal use and possession of explosives

iv. Charged with enforcing federal gambling laws

4. The U.S. Marshals Service

i. Oldest federal law enforcement agency

ii. Initially charged with responsibility to protect the U.S. Attorney General

iii. Main duties today

· Provide security at federal courts for judges, jurors, and other courtroom participants

· Control property that has been seized by federal courts

· Protect government witnesses who have placed themselves in danger by testifying

· Transport federal prisoners to detention institutions

· Investigate violations of federal fugitive laws