I want a clear explanation amp amp simple examples of the two point

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

I want a clear explanation amp amp simple examples of the two point

I want a clear explanation in brief & simple examples of each two points ( to present it in class )

1-The different approaches of security and privacy and their requirements

The first of these is application security. Different applications are needed for connecting patients with the health care personnel at the time of consultation. The applications are risky as IT teams are not ablle to control security level. In such cases, web application firewalls are known to protect health networks from security and privacy vulnerabilities. The second approach is Network Access Control (NAC). This allows viewing each IoT device connected to the health network. The level of transparency achieved is apt for varied devices, and as NACs use micr-segmentation method for limiting services, privacy concerns are addressed. Security delivers automated repsonses to individuals exhibiting threatening and unusual behavior. The third approach is integrated managament and analytics. A recent trend is healthcare personnels bringing personal devices to workplace. The additional users cause an increased activity level of the used network. For ensuring that security and privacy, a centralized view of the activity together with security alerts are be made available.

2-The different encryption methods and appropriate usability

The protection of the integrity of ePHI in terms of encryption can be assured through implementation of a system of secure communication. Service providers are to use a technology platform that uses encryption for preventing unauthorized access. Also, providers are to make sure that insecure channels through which communication might take place, such as email, skype and SMS, are not used for sharing of patient information (Murillo-Escobar et al., 2017).

Different end-to-end encryption mechanisms that secure the data channels from unauthorized access or modification can be referred to. Olanrewaju et al., (2013) proposed a network access and system of encryption that is easily and economically implemented for the integration of the existing or developing applications, with the help of well-known as well as thoroughly tested encryption algorithms.