How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed?

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:13 mins read

How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed?

Students are required to respond at least twice to every Discussion Board topic: respond to ONE of the four topics posted by the instructor by Wednesday; and to at least one other student’s response by Sunday. See Course Calendar (underCourse Information button) for dates/details.


Discussion 1. Answers must be meaningful and relevant; please do not respond by simply saying “I agree” or “I disagree” without explanation.

The Monroe Doctrine December 2, 1823 How would the United States have enforced the Monroe Doctrine if its declaration had been immediately challenged by any of the European powers at which it was aimed? Which of the powers of Europe would have been most likely to have asserted its claim to possession of colonies in the Western Hemisphere and how would they have been able to prosecute such an assertion? Give details and be specific in your theorizing.

How a Log Cabin Was Built (Contemporary Description) 1822 For those of you with building experience, how could the building of the house described in this article have been improved? What is not described in this article that would have been absolutely necessary? Were there any luxuries that these folks had but did not require? Would it have made living easier or harder if these people had built and lived in the sort of dwellings used by the Native Americans of their region?

Dangerous Cures and the Popular Health Movement  Based on the description of the health, eating, and drinking habits of Americans, should the government had played a more active role in regulating the conditions of cities and towns or would this have been excessive governmental interference in the lives of citizens? Apply the same reasoning to the medical profession. Should the government have taken a stronger, more active role in regulating the professions that had the care of the health of citizens and could also potentially harm that health through ignorance and malpractice? Do you think the Popular Health Movement was effective? Use specific examples from the reading to support your position.

The American Woman of the Early Nineteenth Century Compare and contrast the beliefs about the lives of women in the early nineteenth century with the lives of women today. How accurate were the perceptions of women at this time? How did the perceptions and expectations of society hinder or help women of this time period? Were these perceptions and expectations generated by men for women, or did women themselves produce and support these perceptions? How are the perceptions about women today alike and how are they different from those of the early 19th century? Have the changes that have come about all been positive? What are some of the negative changes, if any, that face women of today that the woman of the nineteenth century did not have to worry about? Always be specific and use examples to support your statements


Classmate response:


When the Latin American countries are working independently, the United States has seen Latin America as its sphere of influence.From 1822 to 1823, when the European “holy alliance” attempted to interfere in the independence movement of Latin America, the United States actively pursued the policy of “American affairs is American affairs”.In 1823, the United States President Monroe made a statement to the Congress, declared: “In the future any European powers may not be the continent has been independent and free country as the object of future colonization.” He also said that the United States does not interfere in the internal affairs of the European powers, Do not allow the European powers to intervene in the affairs of the Americas. This statement is what is commonly referred to as the “Monroe Declaration”. It contains the principle that is commonly referred to as “Monroe Doctrine”.The meaning of Monroeism is mainly three:(1) requires European countries not to colonize in the Western Hemisphere. This principle not only opposes the expansion of Latin American countries in Western Europe, but also against the expansion of Russia on the west coast of North America;(2) require that Europe do not interfere with the affairs of the independent State of the Americas;(3) to ensure that the United States does not interfere in European affairs, including the existing European colonial affairs in the Americas.Monroe did not have much impact at the time, because the influence of Britain in Latin America was much greater than that of the United States.After the 1940s, the United States reintroduced Monroe doctrine.



Discussion 2.


Answers must be meaningful and relevant; please do not respond by simply saying”I agree” or “I disagree” without explanation. 1. This week after reading Chapter 9 and the online readings: Many Americans have formed their mental images of the Old South form the movie of Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind. Was her portrait of the antebellum South accurate? Was the region merely a land of large cotton plantations worked by hundreds mostly contented black slaves? [Please read the question carefully, it does not ask you watch the film in order to take part in the discussion] Include some reflection after reading “Gouge and Bite” article. 2. The Underground Railroad by Levi Coffin 1850 What is the duty of a citizen? When something, morally questionable or even morally wrong, is sanctioned and even actively supported by the government, where does the duty of the citizen lie? Does the citizen oppose the government outright and thereby jeopardize his livelihood and his family’s welfare, or does the good citizen obey the government? Is the answer somewhere in between? 22



Classmate response:


Citizenship refers to the right of the main body should make or not make a certain behavior constraints, such as the enjoyment of a certain right of citizens or legal persons should bear the responsibility. Citizenship is one of the constituent elements of legal relations, to rely on the country’s coercive force (legal or administrative) to ensure the implementation. Any right shall have a corresponding obligation, as provided for by law, in the form of an express (such as a norm of obligation, a prohibition statute), or by implication (as in the case of an authoritative statute). The basic obligation of citizens is the constitutional obligation, which is defined by the Constitution, in order to realize the public interest, the necessity of the citizen must be or not for a certain act. It is the citizens of others, society and the country’s primary legal obligations, is the state and society to create citizens of the general legal obligations of the constitutional basis. Citizens’ basic obligations and fundamental rights together reflect and determine the political and legal status of citizens in the state, constitute the common law of civil rights and justice.



Discussion 3


Covering Chapter 12 and “House Divided” reading online:

1) Analyze the major developments [hint: four] between 1848 and 1861 that contributed to the Civil War. Can one argue that one was the most significant? Explain.

2) Summarize the main points of Lincoln’s House Divided Speech. Why would someone from the South who followed the ideological discussions around the question of slavery have reason to be concerned about Lincoln’s opinions as stated in this address? Would this speech satisfy an ardent abolitionist? Why or why not? How do the ideas of this speech reflect the times in which it was given? What other main events in the march towards Civil War have influenced Lincoln’s thinking on slavery and the part it plays in the union at this point in the disintegration of the Union? From what he says in this speech what are Lincoln’s thought on the founders of the United States or rather those who wrote the Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia? Address at least two of these issues in your initial posting.


Classmate response:

1, the capitalist political development of several stages ⑴, 14-17 century, the disintegration of the European feudal system and the rise of capitalism ①, political characteristics: feudalism in politics, economy, thinking and other aspects of the impact of capitalism dawn show. ②, the main content: the Renaissance, religious reform and the Nederland bourgeois revolution. ⑵, 17-19 century, early bourgeois revolution, political major turning point and change period ①, political characteristics: the bourgeois forces to grow, to speed up the transition to capitalism. ②, the main content: the British and French bourgeois revolution, the US War of Independence, feudal state reform, colonial expansion, the Enlightenment. In the mid-19th century, the capitalist system finally prevailed over the feudal system and established a dominant position in the world. (1) Political characteristics: the bourgeois revolution and reform were surging, and the industrial bourgeoisie gradually gained power. ②, the main content: the establishment of the capitalist system and the initial formation of the world system, the emergence of different social trends, the bourgeoisie to suppress the revolution and the implementation of aggression and expansion policy. At the beginning of the 1970s and the beginning of the twentieth century, the transition from capitalism to imperialism, the final formation of the capitalist world system, the political characteristics: the transition from the major capitalist countries to imperialism, the significant change in political life and the relatively stable political situation. ②, the main content: the expansion of national functions, bourgeois democracy and the legal system more robust, political formation of the two parties, imperialist aggression and expansion. ⑸, a war – the end of World War II, the development of modern monopoly capitalism and crisis period ①, political characteristics: private monopoly to the state monopoly development, fascism arrogance and anti-fascist struggle. The main capitalist countries jointly anti-Soviet and condone the fascist aggression, the formation of anti-fascist alliance ⑹, after World War II – the late 20th century, the late period of the second half of the world, Is the national monopoly of capitalist development and capitalist development of the uneven growth period ①, political characteristics: the reorganization of the capitalist world, the political development of capitalist countries, the main content: the formation and development of state monopoly capitalism, the United States became the world political hegemony, “Cold War” situation, imperialist implementation of hegemonic policy and neo-colonialist policies and the resistance of the people of the world


Discussion 4

Covering Chapter 13 and the Proclamation The Emancipation Proclamation was one of the greatest political documents in American history. Defend or refute that statement.



Classmate response:


The Declaration on the Liberation of the Black Slaves is a declaration issued by President Abraham Lincoln of the United States, which advocates that all slaves in the territories under the rebel territory of the United States should be free, but the objects of exemption do not contain undeveloped border states, Under the control of the state. This declaration, while immediately liberating a small number of slaves, essentially reinforces the authority of the slave army after the federal army’s control over the territory of the Union and paves the way for the final abolition of the national slavery. In addition to the limited immediate effect of the slaves, this declaration symbolizes the change of the purpose of the war between the northerners: the reorganization of the Union is no longer the only purpose of war. This represents an important stage towards the abolition of the slavery of the whole federation.In addition, some slaves are immediately regained by the declaration. The slaves who were escaped on the federal front line and called the “contraband of war” for the federal army were brought to the smuggling camps; when the declaration came into effect, they were told that they were free to leave at midnight. In addition, the islands of Georgia outside the sea during the war for the occupation of the Federal Navy, so the local white people fled to the American continent, leaving the slaves in this life. The Navy officer read their declaration and told them free when they were. The reaction of the declaration in the army is different. Some units are hoping that the ideal can legislate by making it more honorable, and at least one unit has adopted the motto for this: “For federal and free “For the federation, the nigga issue is part of the “war engine”: these niggers are responsible for producing and storing food, repairing railways, working in farmland and workshops, transporting ships, mining, building fortifications and care Work and general labor. In order to arouse dissatisfaction among the insurgents in the confederation, millions of copies of the “liberation of the slavery declaration” were circulated in the confederation of the federal occupation. And as expected, the news spreads quickly through oral traditions, igniting the hope of freedom and the confusion of the public, and encouraged many slaves to flee.


Discussion 5

Review the text and images at  Describe how northerners and southerners viewed and treated blacks during Reconstruction.  What conclusions can you draw regarding race relations in America?  Include a brief discussion on how blacks responded to their former masters after the Civil War ended.



Classmate response:


Although African Americans were considered to be free from slavery by the time of Reconstruction, it was still a time that was marred by a deep chasms between the white population and the newly-freed black population — a reality that was true for the South as well as the North. While the South could arguably be described as more notably and openly racist and discriminatory (easily explained by the great resentment that existed there following the conclusion of the American Civil War), many white individuals in the North also worked to oppress or otherwise discriminate against the black population. With regards to the newly-freed slaves of the South, there were some instances in which previously-enslaved people maintained relationships with there former owners and continued to provide them with labor. However, this was also a period marked by great migrations of black populations to other parts of the country. Thus, many newly-freed slaves from the South ended up experiencing the sentiment that existed in other areas of the country — much of that sentiment being overtly anti-black. And while American society has certainly made strides since that time in American history, discrimination and racism remains very much a problem throughout the country to this day.