HA575 Unit 7 Discussion

Respond using as references
Thomas, R. K. (2015). Marketing health services (3rd ed.). Health Administration Press.
Chapter 17.
What developments exist which indicate that marketing is becoming more of a primary function in healthcare organizations?
In two diferent paragraph give your personal opinion to Marivette Bedoya and Reynalyn Aguayon
Marivette Bedoya
How is marketing uniquely positioned to address some of the more challenging aspects of contemporary healthcare?
Marketing is uniquely positioned to address some of the more challenging aspects of contemporary healthcare by using consistent healthcare branding, evaluating the online patient experience, and building a responsive website. Figuring out what your brand is all about compared to the next. It may take time to figure out what works for each brand. But eventually, the healthcare marketing strategy comes together smoothly because they learn how best to represent the brand with any marketing materials (Stewart, 2020). Designers are so focused on making the website look good, they forget to focus on the patient experience. It can often be found that websites need to be completely redone and edited. A responsive website is one that automatically adjusts to the size of a screen, so the experience is the same whether the site is accessed on a computer, tablet, your phone, or any mobile device (Stewart, 2020). Responsive sites work best for the mobile digital healthcare experience. But even if an organization currently have a responsive site, they should check that the both your content and imagery continue to load properly on mobile devices.
Stewart, G. (2020, June 25). Healthcare Marketing: 15 Strategies to Gain More Patients: Healthcare Success, the Medical Marketing Agency. Retrieved from https://healthcaresuccess.com/blog/healthcare-marketing/healthcare-marketing-strategy.html
Reynalyn Aguayon
When we watch TV or drive down the highway and see the billboards with various healthcare advertisements, we are drawn to watch or take the time to read up on what healthcare systems have to offer. Marketing is central to building upon the business and growing the client population for the healthcare organizations. With the various marketing techniques and strategies, specific target audiences can be touched and addressed.
Now there is more use of the internet and online resources to research and gain information on specific healthcare providers, practices, and pharmaceutical industries. Many of the online resources used by consumers are the first steps in researching and seeking exactly what they need or want in a provider. Therefore, with the online resources, websites, and even social media these are key to drawing in the consumers to trust and utilize the healthcare resources. With the media and online sources, it allows for organizations and healthcare providers to easily edit or make proper changes so that the audience are up to date and healthcare providers are able to address the more challenging attributes of contemporary healthcare.
When watching commercials on TV, I have noticed that at various times of the day there are specific target audience that is being catered to. During the current times there are a lot more commercials addressing depression or anxiety. This type of marketing demonstrates how addressing specific issues to target audiences and current times is imperative to drawing in the right audience as well as gaining the confidence of the target audience.
Popa, F. (2008). “Current Challenges for healthcare services and opportunities created by the marketing abilities”. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3018957/
Stewart, G. (2020, June 25). Healthcare Marketing: 15 Strategies to Gain More Patients: Healthcare Success, the Medical Marketing Agency. Retrieved from https://healthcaresuccess.com/blog/healthcare-marketing/healthcare-marketing-strategy.html