Explain with examples, the concepts of standardization, adaptation, and global integration. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for each.

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Explain with examples, the concepts of standardization, adaptation, and global integration. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for each.

Name: ______________________________



Note: Use this template to write your answers. Please delete all areas highlighted in red font before submitting your exam. The grading rubric below should give you an idea of how the write-up will be graded. Please submit the exam via email:





Layout: Single spaced, please maintain the same font as this template, answer each question separately as it is laid-out in this template.


Total points: 100. Each question is weighted equally.


Due Date: Thursday, July 30 at 10:00 PM. No late submissions.



Q.1. Explain with examples, the concepts of standardization, adaptation, and global integration. List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages for each.





Q.2. Identify and explain 5 factors that may influence product/service quality in foreign markets. You can use either B2B or B2C products/services. Please provide examples.






Q.3. Discuss the significance of 6Cs of channel strategy. Use examples to justify your answer.






Q.4. List and discuss five factors that may influence a multinational firm’s pricing strategy in a foreign market. Use 3 examples to illustrate your answer.




Grade Rubric for Homework Activities and Exams


Grading Criteria Below Standards

(Score Below 60)

Below Average to Good

(Score between 61-89)


(Score of 90 or higher)

Pursues topics of paper. Author fails to cover some topics or answer some questions or gives incomplete answers. Author covers most topics and answers most questions, mostly completely. Author covers all topics and answers all questions, completely; EXCEPTIONALLY thorough and focused.
Uses additional resources to support arguments Fails to support answers with facts or pads answers with irrelevant facts. Adequate support of answers with meaningful facts; may list some facts without explaining why they are important. Explains why facts are meaningful to the answers; convincing; EXCEPTIONAL use of evidence and resources.
Clear conclusions and/or recommendations. Lack of clear conclusion or weak recommendations; “do more research.” Wishy-washy conclusion; or compromise recommendation that fails to take a stand; or discussion that merely ends. Clear conclusions and/or recommendations; follow from analysis in the paper.
Documentation Author failed to document substantial ideas and/or text; or possible plagiarism. Some ideas may be undocumented or documented in an incomplete manner; missing in-text and/or reference section citations. All ideas reproduced in the answer are quoted and/or cited. No “red flags” to indicate plagiarism.
Creative connections Author makes no creative connections. Author makes a token reference to connections; or may not show insight into the topic. Author makes connections: for example with textbook content; Internet research; current events; etc. EXCEPTIONALLY creative synthesis of resources.
Presentation and format Multiple errors; format is distracting to the reader; or skimpy answer; or submitted late. Minor format errors; or too brief; submitted on time. Neat and attractive; follows assignment guidelines (number of words, etc.); submitted on time, as assigned.