Explain why insurance companies which are considered payers should or should not pay reimburse health and medicine homework help

Landmark studies To Err is Human (1999) and Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001) from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) identified medical errors are causing harm and death to almost 45,000 Americans and costing over $29 billion every year. Other studies, have indicated preventable healthcare associated conditions (HACs) such as infections, sepsis, and pneumonia are main contributors for increasing the length of patient stays, the cost of care, and the likelihood of mortality (death).
If you were in charge of a healthcare insurance company:
- Explain why insurance companies (which are considered payers) should or should not pay (reimburse) for injuries, extended costs, or death (mortality) from a hospital-acquired infection or medical error. Support your why or why not?
- Insurance plans are ranked according to quality of coverage (care options) provided to consumers. Describe two considerations or criteria to use when choosing a good health insurance plan.