Choose which foundation health measure would be most effective in measuring progress health and medicine help

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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Choose which foundation health measure would be most effective in measuring progress health and medicine help

Nursing homework help

For this assignment, you are to choose which foundation health measure would be most effective in measuring the progress towards achieving the goal of Healthy People 2020. Next, you were to discuss how one of the foundation health measures would be effective in addressing the issue of the Zika virus and achieving the goals of Healthy People 2020. It may not be the same foundation health measure that you choose for question 1 and 2. They can be different. Please let me know, if you have additional questions.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Healthy People 2020 Framework. Retrieved on July 1, 2013 from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives. Retrieved on July 1, 2013 from

Please note, I focused on Communication and IT functions pertaining to measures taken to achieve goals (Zika again) as well as the history of Zika- now.