Capstone Project

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

Capstone Project

Nursing homework help

For your Capstone Assignment this week, you will develop a topic for the Capstone Project that will allow you to synthesize and apply your Program Learning Outcomes. The topic for the project should be personally tailored to suit your unique perspective, interests, and career path. When selecting your topic, be sure to consult the Capstone Project Guide and the Capstone Project Template for your particular program of study. Your topic must be able to address each item in the Capstone Project Guide and the individual prompts within the Capstone Project Template. For example, if you choose “childhood obesity” as your topic, you will need to apply it to each Program Learning Outcomes. Please contact your Instructor with specific questions related to an appropriate topic.

TOPIC : Childhood Obesity

B.S. in Public Health Program Learning Outcomes 1. Explain the historical development and contemporary context of public health (including the infrastructure and organization of public health systems). 2. Critically examine the role of public health in protecting and promoting the health of populations locally and globally. 3. Analyze social, political, and economical issues, which impact public health and healthcare delivery systems within and outside of the United States. 4. Explain the biological effects of infections and chronic diseases on the human body. 5. Explain basic epidemiological principles used to study patterns of disease and injury among diverse populations. 6. Evaluate health-related research and research methods. 7. Analyze the theoretical models including how social, behavioral, cultural, and environmental factors impact behavior change. 8. Demonstrate the skills necessary to create effective public health programs and services (including program planning, healthcare management, and program evaluation). 9. Analyze legal, regulatory, and ethical issues that impact public health practice. 10. Articulate how public health policy is developed and how individuals and groups influence policy change. 11. Demonstrate effective communication and problem-solving skills necessary for addressing contemporary global public health issues and to promote social change.

· Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.).  Healthy People 2030Links to an external site. . Department of Health and Human Services.

This website includes the publication Healthy People 2030 and includes a description of health indicators and explanations of good practice for healthcare providers and consumers.

· Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (n.d.).  Healthy People 2030 frameworkLinks to an external site. . Department of Health and Human Services.

· Walden University. (n.d.).  Student Support Links to an external site. . Retrieved November 8, 2018, from

Navigate to the Student Handbook using the search tool and review Walden’s degree auditing and graduation requirements.

· Walden University. (2016).  Uploading media in your Blackboard classroomLinks to an external site. . Retrieved from

· World Health Organization Links to an external site. . (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2018 from

The World Health Organization is the primary international health organization in the world.

· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Links to an external site. . (n.d.). Retrieved August 24, 2018 from

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a federal agency dedicated to promoting health and preventing disease.

To complete this Capstone Project Assignment: Construct the first draft of your 4- to 5-page Mini Literature Review. Your draft should include the following: A brief introduction that provides information about the scope and nature of the issue, at least 5–6 body paragraphs that provide sufficient detail, and a conclusion. Your paper should evidence the 6–8 resources from your Annotated Bibliography. You should include both parenthetical (in-text citations) as well as your references at the end of the document (i.e., your Annotated Bibliography sources that apply) in proper APA format. Use the remaining instructions in this Capstone Project Guide and Capstone Project Template to develop the subtopics of this Mini Literature Review, which form the body paragraphs of your Mini Literature Review. For example, in the Introduction, you can provide epidemiological and statistical data about your issue. You can also discuss how this issue transcends borders, etc. By organizing your Mini Literature Review using the Capstone Template (specific to your program), you will be better prepared to create your narrated Capstone Project Presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint. Summarize and analyze these resources. Paraphrase them in your own words. List the key arguments and findings, describing how you think they apply to your topic, and what the implications of the findings may be for your Capstone Project. You are also encouraged to use the Paper Review service through the Walden University Writing Center (see the Learning Resources). You can also find information on how the appointments work, what to expect, and how to get the most out of the Writing Center’s services. Run your Draft Mini Literature Review through Safe Assign prior to your final submission. This Assignment requires two submissions: o Submit to the Week 4/5 Discussion Board thread. Include your name and topic in your post title. o Submit to the Week 4 Assignment area. Tip for Writing Your Mini Literature Review: It’s best to create an outline prior to writing your paper to assist you with organization. In addition, tutors from the Writing Center can also help you create a thesis statement, organize your paper, and give you tips for using your resources, using APA, formatting your paper, and writing effective conclusions. Since you have time, you may plan to submit your draft to the Writing Center before the deadline in Week 4. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and your additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Submit your Draft Mini Literature Review by Day 7 of Week 4.