BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5 Health Care Leadership

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BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5 Health Care Leadership

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5

Complete a self-assessment of 25 ACHE leadership competencies. Prepare a personal development plan that identifies specific action steps and due dates for improvement of five selected leadership competencies.

Throughout their careers, health care leaders must regularly assess their individual competencies and how those competencies align with organizational needs and priorities. Changing laws, regulations, technology, consumer preferences, medical treatment advances, and external environmental shifts can affect the skill sets needed for effective leadership. Accurate self-assessment is an important first step in identification of areas for future leadership development.

In this assessment, you will reflect upon your performance with respect to the industry-validated ACHE leadership competency model. After identifying areas of strength and areas for development, you can craft specific action steps to address any leadership development gaps.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 4: Analyze records and reports based on established benchmarks and organizational goals and performance.

Identify five individual competencies within each of the five ACHE model domains practiced during the capstone project.

Estimate baseline competency performance ratings at the beginning of the BHA program on the 25 identified individual competencies. Assess current competency performance ratings for the capstone project on the 25 identified individual competencies.

Competency 5: Create comprehensive and useable data-driven action plans, based on industry benchmarks.

Identify one competency within each of the five ACHE domains for further development.

Create one specific action step with a due date to strengthen competency performance for each of the five development areas identified.


To successfully prepare to complete this final course assessment, you will need to review the ACHE competency model:

Healthcare Leadership Alliance and the American College of Healthcare Executives. (2018). ACHE healthcare executive competencies assessment tool. Retrieved from

Remember that you already examined this tool in Assessment 1 and identified one competency from each domain that you would be practicing while completing the capstone project.

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5 Health Care Leadership Instructions

This assessment is in two parts:

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment.

You will assess the development of your leadership skills over the course of your BHA program.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan.

You will identify measurable action steps for future career development based on the results of your leadership skills assessment.

Part 1: Leadership Self-Assessment

To complete your leadership self-assessment:

Download the Leadership Self-Assessment Template [DOCX].

Select five competencies from each of the five ACHE leadership domains (25 total competencies) that you practiced during your capstone project and enter them into the appropriate space on the template (Column 2).

Estimate your performance at the beginning of your BHA program on each of the 25 competencies you selected. The rating scale is from 1 (novice) to

5 (expert).

Enter this information on Column 3 of the template.

Early careerists typically score in the novice to competent performance levels. Occasionally they may rate in the expert category. The faculty member will be emphasizing rating accuracy rather than how high the ratings are.

Assess your performance after completing your capstone project on each of the selected 25 competencies.

Enter this information in Column 4 on the template.

Summarize your insights about strengths and improvement areas in the space provided.

Part 2: Personal Development Plan

To complete the personal development plan part of this assessment:

Download the Personal Development Plan Template [DOCX].

Select from your leadership self-assessment five competencies (one from each of the five domains) for further development and cultivation of your health care leadership skills. Enter these competencies into Column 2 of the template.

BHA FPX 4020 Assessment 5 Health Care Leadership

Determine one specific, measurable action step for each of the five selected competencies that will promote skill development. Enter the actions steps in Column 3 of the template.

People learn the most from having the opportunity to practice and demonstrate their skills. Although courses and readings certainly have value for personal development, consider other ways to cultivate the selected competencies. For example, obtain a mentor, solicit feedback from a more experienced colleague, join a professional organization, or volunteer your services.

Assign due dates for completing each action step. Enter the due dates in Column 4 of the template.

Templates: Use the templates provided to complete your leadership self-assessment and your personal development plan.

Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolio. Consult this resource for additional information about adding artifacts to your ePortfolio.

Leadership Self-Assessment Template Example

Refer to the ACHE Healthcare Executive Competencies Assessment Tool to select the applicable competencies.

ACHE Domain Identified Competency (Choose 5 for each domain that you practiced during your capstone project) Rating at the beginning of BHA Program1 (novice) to 5 (expert) Rating during Capstone Project1 (novice) to 5 (expert)
Communication and Relationship Management Principles of communication and their specific applications 2 5
  Communicating organizational mission, vision, objectives, and priorities 1 4
Preparing and delivering business/organizational communication, including meeting agendas, presentations, reports, and project communication plans 1 4
Providing and receiving constructive feedback 2 5
Using factual data to produce and deliver credible and understandable reports 1 3
Leadership Change Management and promotion 1 4
Explore opportunities for growth and organizational development continuously 1 4
Promote continuous organizational learning/improvement 2 5
Anticipate and plan strategies for overcoming obstacles 1 3
Develop effective medical staff relationships in support of the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic plan 2 5
Professionalism Professional roles, responsibility, and accountability 2 4
Understanding organizational business and personal ethics 2 5
Balancing professional and personal pursuits 1 3
Understanding cultural and spiritual diversity for patients and staff as they relate to healthcare needs 2 4
Uphold and act upon ethical and professional standards 2 5
Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment Knowledge of healthcare systems and organizations 2 4
Healthcare and medical terminology 1 5
Managed care models, structures, and environment 1 4
Evidence-based management practice 2 4
Healthcare economics 1 3
Business Skills and Knowledge Quality Improvement 2 5
Benchmarking techniques 2 4
Quality improvement theories and frameworks 2 4
National quality initiatives, including patient safety 2 5
Data collection, measurement, and analysis 1 3

Summarize insights regarding strengths and areas for improvement as you continue your health care administration career:

Based on the leadership self-assessment template, it is valid to argue that the capstone project has bolstered various competencies across the five American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) domains. Under the communication and relationship management domain, the capstone project developed my communication skills by enhancing my understanding of communication principles and their specific applications, the ability to communicate institutional/team mission, vision, and objectives, and the ability to present agendas and reports, and project plans.

Also, it bolstered my capacity to provide and receive constructive feedback from colleagues regarding organizational objectives and priorities. However, I must improve on using factual data to produce and deliver credible and understandable reports.

Secondly, the capstone project has enhanced my competencies for promoting and managing change. In this sense, I am now aware of strategies for exploring organizational growth and development opportunities, anticipating and planning strategies for overcoming obstacles, and promoting continuous organizational learning or improvement.

Also, the project has transformed my ability to develop effective medical staff relationships in support of the organizational mission, vision, and strategic plans. However, it is essential to embrace strategies for personal development regarding the ability to anticipate and plan strategies for overcoming barriers to effective change implementation. In this sense, I need the implement action step for further development in areas such as change advocacy, analysis of the underlying impediments to quality improvement, and effective ways for championing change.

Thirdly, the capstone project bolstered various competencies under the professionalism domain. For instance, I have developed awareness of patient rights and responsibilities, corporate business and personal ethics, patients’ and staff’s cultural and spiritual diversity, and strategies for upholding and acting upon ethical and professional standards.

It is valid to argue that the capstone project has enabled me to understand thresholds for ethical and professional standards that guide nursing practices. However, I still face challenges when establishing approaches for balancing professional and personal pursuits. Often, I emphasize personal aspirations at the expense of professional roles. Therefore, I need to develop competencies to balance professional issues and personal aspirations and pursuits.

Fourthly, the capstone project has positively impacted my knowledge of healthcare systems and organizations. At the beginning of the Bachelor’s of Health Administration (BHA) program, I was a novice in various aspects, including healthcare and medical terminologies, managed care models, structures, and environment, evidence-based management practice, and healthcare economics. However, the program enhanced my competencies regarding these topics. Although knowledge of healthcare systems and organizations is one of my strengths, I need to embrace strategies for personal development regarding healthcare economics.

Finally, the BHA program has improved my business skills and knowledge. For instance, I am now aware of benchmarking techniques, national quality initiatives, clinical methodologies, quality improvement theories and frameworks, and data collection, measurement, and analysis tools/techniques. At the beginning of this program, I was a novice in various quality improvement techniques in different healthcare settings.

However, I had become competent by the time of completing my capstone project. Although I am competent in quality improvement, I should emphasize interventions for developing my data collection, measurement, and analysis competencies. In this sense, I am yet to become an expert in data collection, measurement, and analysis.


Healthcare Leadership Alliance and the American College of Healthcare Executives. (2018). ACHE healthcare executive competencies assessment tool. Retrieved from

Personal Development Plan

From your Leadership Self-Assessment, identify five competencies (one from each domain) that you would like to develop further. Identify an appropriate action step with a due date for each competency.

ACHE Domain Competency for Further Development (Choose 1 for each domain from your Leadership Self-Assessment Action Step Due Date
Communication and Relationship Management 



Using factual data and delivering credible and understandable reports ·       Develop a culture of inquiry to embrace evidence-based practice and improve skills for nursing research·       Obtain a mentor and solicit feedback from more experienced colleagues regarding effective selecting and appraising evidence sources.

·       Volunteer to a professional organization specializing in nursing research methods and information dissemination.

By the end of 2022



Anticipate and plan strategies for overcoming obstacles to change management and promotion ·       Develop listening and communication skills to understand colleagues’ views and feedback regarding the change process.·       Leverage data to convince my colleagues to accept change and implement its provisions.

·       Review and understand various change theories and frameworks

By June 2022



Balancing professional and personal pursuits ·       Developing time management skills by setting priorities and timely planning·       Proper scheduling

·       Regularly reviewing workloads

·       Encouraging social activities to facilitate recreation and reduce burnout

Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment 



Healthcare economics ·       Soliciting feedback from more experienced colleagues·       Enrolling in part-time learning programs regarding health economics

·       Obtaining a mentor to offer guidance and insights into various aspects of healthcare economics

By December 2022
Business Skills and Knowledge 



Data collection, measurement, and analysis ·       Use internet-based databases, books, and other evidence sources to learn about effective methods for data collection, measurement, and analysis·       Enroll in part-time learning programs for data collection, measurement, and analysis

·       Obtain a mentor and engage more experienced colleagues to obtain insights into data collection, measurement, and analysis methods.

By mid-2023

Related Assignments:

BHA-FPX4020 Assessment 1: Health Care Problem Analysis Proposal

BHA-FPX 4020 Assessment 3: Data Collection and Analysis

BHA-FPX 4020 Assessment 4: Interdisciplinary Presentation of Evidence-Based Recommendations