Balanced Scorecard

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Balanced Scorecard

Nursing homework help

Now that you have defined your operational problem, built your charter, and outlined what data you will be collecting and measuring, it’s time to build your balanced score card.  This weeks assignment is to construct a  balanced scorecard for your operational problem.  Note:  This will be another section of your final paper.

We visited these tools in Week 2 | Chapter 5, please refer back for more information to assist you.  Below is the link that will take you to the page in the module:

The Balanced Scorecard

Paper Requirements

  • Actual balanced scorecard tool (Please see example below).   This must be built in Excel.
  • KeyMetrics
    • Build metrics being tracked – Building in mock numbers is required, lean on research to educate yourself on how these metrics impact organizations and where you would want your organization to fall in these areas to meet your goals.
      • Label scorecard with red/yellow/green – as seen below.  Please review in Chapter 4 what these colors help indicate in a scorecard.
        • Metrics range that correlate to red/yellow/green
    • Identify range, actual and target
  • Definition page to explain the metrics and measurements
  • References in APA formatting
  • No minimum page requirement but must meet all requirements stated above