An introductory course in marketing

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  • Reading time:9 mins read

An introductory course in marketing

Target audience

Th is book is written for people who want to develop eff ective and decision-oriented global marketing programmes. It can be used as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses in global/international marketing. A second audience is the large group of people joining ‘global marketing’ or ‘export’ courses on non-university programmes. Finally, this book is of special interest to the manager who wishes to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the global marketing fi eld.


An introductory course in marketing.

Special features

Th is book has been written from the perspective of the fi rm competing in international markets, irrespective of its country of origin. It has the following key features:

● a focus on SMEs as global marketing players; ● a decision/action-oriented approach; ● a value chain approach (both the traditional product value chain and the service value

chain); ● a value network approach (including diff erent actors vertically and horizontally); ● coverage of global buyer–seller relationships; ● extensive coverage of born globals and global account management (GAM), as an

extension of the traditional key account management (KAM);


Target audience


Special features


● presents new interesting theories in marketing, for example, service value chain, value innovation, blue ocean strategy, social marketing, corporate social responsibility (CSR), global account management, viral branding and sensory and celebrity branding;

● aims to be a ‘true’ global marketing book, with cases and exhibits from all parts of the world, including Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Far East, North and South America;

● provides a complete and concentrated overview of the total international marketing planning process;

● many new up-to-date exhibits and cases illustrate the theory by showing practical applications.


As the book has a clear decision-oriented approach, it is structured according to the fi ve main decisions that marketing people in companies face in connection with the global marketing process. Th e 20 chapters are divided into fi ve parts. Th e schematic outline of the book in Figure 1 shows how the diff erent parts fi t together. Global marketing research is considered to be an integral part of the decision-making process, therefore it is included in the book ( Chapter 5 ), so as to use it as an important input to the decision about which markets to enter (the beginning of Part II ). Examples of the practice of global marketing by actual companies are used throughout the book, in the form of exhibits. Furthermore, each chapter and part ends with cases, which include questions for students.


figure 1 Structure of the book

What’s new in the sixth edition?

Th e ‘mantra’ of the new edition is ‘glocalization’. Th e international marketers can utilize the synergies of both being ‘local’ and ‘global’ at the same time. Another important aspect of the new edition is the strengthening of the Web 2.0 theme (social media, e-commerce, etc.), which is now incorporated in all the chapters and in many of the cases and exhibits.

What’s new in the sixth edition?


The book’s chapters and cases are totally updated with the latest journal articles and com- pany information. Besides that, the following new issues are introduced in the single chapters:

● Chapter 1 – the concept of providing customer value through the product value chain and the service value chain is now extended by adding ‘customer experiences’ as a value generator. This new section (1.9 Global Experiential Marketing) builds on the new trends in the global ‘experience economy’ and these are further illustrated with cases throughout the book, e.g. on Zumba (case 3.1) and Cirque du Soleil (case 7.1). Deglobalization is looked at.

● Chapter 2 – de-internationalization trends are now better explained and illustrated. New triggers for internationalization are added.

● Chapter 3 – a new revised definition of ‘psychic distance’ is added. Furthermore, the internet-based ‘born global’ and the use of ‘hybrid sales channels’ are discussed. Firms classified as ‘born-again global’ and ‘born regional’ are also further explained, as a supple- ment to the born global concept.

● Chapter 4 – introduces the concepts of ‘stategic groups’ and ‘value net’. The ‘double diamond’ model is also introduced, as a supplement to the diamond model. A special corporate social responsibility (CSR) section based on the ‘shared value’ concept is included.

● Chapter 5 – now introduces international marketing research based on Web 2.0 (social media, e.g. Facebook, Twitter).

● Chapter 6 – special sections about growth in the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries and marketing to bottom of pyramid (BOP) are included and discussed. ‘GDP per capita’ is now also considered as a ‘moderator’ in the Big Mac Index, regarding pos- sible over- or undervaluation of foreign currencies against the US$.

● Chapter 8 – now contains an very comprehensive exhibit about Bosch Fire Detection System’s international market selection (IMS), showing in detail how the chapter’s models and tools regarding IMS should be used in a real-world example.

● Chapter 14 – the service-dominant logic (S-D logic) is included as a supplement to the traditional goods versus services considerations. There is also an explanation of the importance of ‘time-to-market’ (TTM) in developing international competitiveness.

● Chapter 15 – an interesting exhibit about the reverse ‘buy-in–follow-on’ strategy used in the Kodak Printer business is added, as well as some further legal aspects regarding the ‘transfer pricing’ theme.

● Chapter 16 – in connection with disintermediation of middlemen by the internet, special anti-disintermediation measures are discussed. Smartphone marketing aspects in a dis- tribution perspective are also added, and location-based app services – a niche of mobile marketing – are further explained, in particular location-based mobile marketing services and the implications for international marketers.

● Chapter 17 – now contains comprehensive discussions of the following ‘hot’ topics: Web 2.0, social media marketing and the ‘6C’ model. Crowdsourcing is extensively discussed as a measure for gaining access to new R&D resources among external users.

● Chapter 18 – introduces the ‘Time’ perspective in cross-cultural negotiations and the ‘gift-giving’ practices in different cultures.

● Several new exhibits with real updated company examples have been added to various chapters.

● Many completely new and exciting chapter case studies are now available: ● Case 1.1: Green Toys, Inc. – a manufacturer of eco-friendly toys is going international ● Case 1.2: Hunter Boot Ltd – the iconic British brand is moving into exclusive fashion. ● Case 3.1: Zumba – a dance phenomenon is going global ● Case 4.2: Microsoft ‘Surface’ tablet – the software producer is moving into the

hardware tablet PC market and challenging Apple ● Case 5.2: LEGO Friends – the world’s third largest toy manufacturer is moving into

the girls’ domain ● Case 7.1: Cirque du Soleil Inc. – the show that revolutionized the circus arts is expand-

ing its global scope ● Case 13.1: ARM – challenging Intel in the world market of computer chips


● Case 13.2 : Bosch Indego – how to build B2B and B2C relationships in a new global product market – robotic lawnmowers

● Case 16.2 : Tupperware – the global direct distribution model is still working ● Case 18.1 : Zam Zam Cola – marketing of a Muslim cola from Iran to the European market.

● As a completely new feature, fi ve new part introduction video case studies have been introduced: ● Part I Video case study: Cisco Systems ● Part II Video case study: Embraer Business Jets ● Part III Video case study: Müller Yogurts ● Part IV Video case study: Tequila Avion ● Part V Video case study: Stella & Dot

● Furthermore completely new part cases have been added: ● Case I.3 : Adidas – the number 2 in the global sportswear market is challenging the

number 1, Nike ● Case II.3 : Gerolsteiner – a German bottled water manufacturer is trying to increase its

global market share ● Case II.4 : Porsche – international market selection (IMS) for the exclusive sports car

brand ● Case V.2 : Red Bull – the global market leader in energy drinks is considering further

market expansion ● Case V.3 : Tetra Pak – how to create B2B relationships with the food industry on a

global level ● Case V.4 : Polaroid Eyewear – can the iconic brand achieve a comeback in the global

sunglasses industry? ● In total, 10 chapter case studies + fi ve video case studies + six part case studies = 21 new

case studies have been added to the book, making a total of: ● 38 chapter case studies (two per chapter) + fi ve part video case studies (one per chapter)

+ 19 chapter video case studies (one per chapter) + 25 part case studies (fi ve per part) + 87 case studies in all.

● Furthermore, 28 completely new exhibits have been added to the book. Th e total number of exhibits is now 67 .

Pedagogical/learning aids

One of the strengths of Global Marketing is its strong pedagogical features:

● Chapter objectives tell readers what they should be able to do aft er completing each chapter. ● Real-world examples and exhibits enliven the text and enable readers to relate to market-

ing models. ● End-of-chapter summaries recap the main concepts. ● Each chapter contains two case studies, which help the student relate the models

presented in the chapter to a specifi c business situation. ● Questions for discussion allow students to probe further into important topics. ● Part cases studies – for each part there are fi ve comprehensive case studies covering

the themes met in the part. To reinforce learning, all case studies are accompanied by questions. Case studies are based on real-life companies. Further information about these companies can be found on the internet. Company cases are derived from many diff erent countries representing all parts of the world. Tables 1 and 2 present the chapter and part case studies.

● Multiple choice questions. ● Part video case studies: Each part is introduced by a video case which highlights a general

decision problem from the part.

Pedagogical/learning aids


Chapter Case study title, subtitle and related websites

Country/area of company headquarters

Geographical target area

target market

b2b b2C

Chapter 1 Global marketing in the firm

Case study 1.1 Green toys, inc. A manufacturer of eco-friendly toys is going international

US US, World ✓ ✓

Case study 1.2 Hunter boot ltd The iconic British brand is moving into exclusive fashion

UK World ✓

Video case study 1.3 nivea (8.56)

Germany World ✓