You oversee disaster management for sentinel city

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

You oversee disaster management for sentinel city

You oversee Disaster Management for Sentinel City. The healthcare team has just been notified that there was a tornado that ripped through Casper Park and Acer Tech Center in Sentinel City. You visit these areas of the city and observe services, routes, and populations that are impacted due to the tornado.

  1. Describe the potential public health effects, infrastructure damage and environmental hazards related to the tornado.
  2. Describe the members and roles of the emergency management team and organizations (public and private) that would be activated in Sentinel City.
  3. Considering each phase of emergency management: Preparedness: What steps should you as the community/public health nurse take to prepare the citizens of Sentinel City for this type of disaster? Response: You are the only nurse at the scene. What actions would you take? Recovery: How would you handle recovery efforts for the city? What specific things should be addressed?

You must use at least 2 scholarly references besides your textbook to support your answer.

Disaster Relief & Recovery Services/American Red Cross