What percentage of students is below or on/above grade level and who needs the most support?

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

What percentage of students is below or on/above grade level and who needs the most support?

• Identify areas of potential focus (e.g., grade levels or • Celebrate performance and/or progress toward goals. classes). Examine the number of students assessed out • Create a plan to address opportunities: Plan of the number of students enrolled. For worksheets to observation schedules and teaching support, conduct help you analyze your data, see p. 16–17. data chats with staff, and/or consider grouping

• Set goals: Create schoolwide goals for the next students by using the Instructional Groupings report. Diagnostic.

School Data

3Visit i-ReadyCentral.com/DataAnalysisGuide to download this document.

How can I group my students into tiers using their placements?

What percentage of students is below or on/above grade level and who needs the most support? (If looking for how student performance changed between two Diagnostics, see p. 4)

Data to Focus On Data to Focus On

1 Overall Placement: Examine the percentage of students in each i-Ready tier based on placements.

2 Placement by Domain: Analyze which domains are the strongest and which need the most support.

3 Placement Summary: Use the dropdown menu to show results by Grade, Class, or Report Groups:

– What percentage of students is in each i-Ready tier based on placements?

– Who can benefit from additional support?

4 Needs Analysis and Placement by Domain: Use the dropdown menu to switch the table view to:

– Explore which domains need the most support across the grades, classes, or report groups in the school

– A specific domain that you’ve identified as a focus to more deeply understand student performance in that domain

Overall Placement Placement by Domain


Diagnostic Results PDF


Diagnostic 1

Switch Table View

Placement Summary

Grade K

Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade Students Assessed/TotalOverall Grade-Level Placement






Showing 9 of 9

Show Results By


HelpAssess & TeachManagement Don AdisonReports

30% 70%

59% 23%



9%14% 77%


Tier 1 31%

Tier 2 46%

At Risk for Tier 3 23%

Phonological Awareness (PA)

Phonics (PH)

High-Frequency Words (HFW)

Vocabulary (VOC)

Comprehension: Literature (LIT)

Comprehension: Informational Text (INFO)



Academic Year

Current Year

Prior Diagnostic


Placement Definition

Standard View

Students Assessed/Total: 1,850/1,891


All Schools

08/06/19 – 08/31/19






Report to Use Report Criteria to Select

Diagnostic Results (School): • Select the Diagnostic and Prior Diagnostic. Select Reading or Math. • Select your Placement Definition. For more information, see p. 20.

School Data

4 Data Analysis Guide

Suggested Actions

How has student performance changed between two Diagnostics?

How can I group my students into tiers using their placements?

What percentage of students is below or on/above grade level, and who needs the most support?

• Identify areas of potential focus (e.g., grade levels or classes). Examine the number of students assessed out of the number of students enrolled. For worksheets to help you analyze your data, see p. 16–17.

• Set goals: Create schoolwide goals for the next Diagnostic.

• Celebrate performance, improvement, and/or progress toward goals.

• Create a plan to address opportunities: Plan observation schedules and teaching support, conduct data chats with staff, and/or consider grouping students by using the Instructional Groupings report.

• Examine the Diagnostic Growth report to deep dive into growth data.