Weekly Learning Outcomes

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Weekly Learning Outcomes

1. Create a plan for a literacy backpack.

2. Choose developmentally appropriate activities for young children.

3. Analyze the developmental appropriateness of activities for young children.


Week 5 Overview

Congratulations and welcome to week five of ECE203!  This week we culminate our class with a few topics that seek to add to our knowledge gained in previous weeks and to further enhance your ability to plan effective activities for your students.  We will focus our attention on cognitive development through our choices of developmentally appropriate learning choices and literacy activities.  Just as in week four, this fifth and final week affords you the opportunity to put the information you have gained in ECE203 to practical use.

The literacy backpack and the final project are both concrete activities that you can utilize at the culmination of this course to demonstrate your knowledge of curriculum, instruction and assessment in the early childhood classroom.  The time and effort you are putting into your learning now will benefit you throughout your career, so continue to take the time to learn and grow and be the very best educator you can possibly be.  Our nation’s children are worth it!