week 7 discussion jamie moore

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

week 7 discussion jamie moore

Offer two alternative effects of these laws or cases to your colleagues, a few sentences, and a question.

The Progressive Era started in the late 1800’s and it was in the Era of the 20th century and it was said to have lasted until WWI it was a period of society and social reform. There was a rapid shift in the economy and it quickly changed to agrarian society to urban the corporations quickly arose and amassed substantial power and then started controlling the industry. It then became an atmosphere of materialism and that greed turned to and overwhelmed market which started leading to more people being poor and having to work longer hours just to buy food and pay what was needed to survive. This being stated it started with more people having poor housing, sanitation, healthcare, and the workers were abused, this made more workers want to call for immense, so they could try to reform so they could improve these conditions. This would cause progressive leaders to be pushed for an agenda of reform but since they did not want to, and they decided to push back this caused a broken political and economic system that perpetuated the marginalization of people whom were working.

This caused a vast rise in the economic activity at this time and it was due to the industrialization and because the people had cheap labor and it led to a predominant business, this growth in the business led to the emergence of a large corporations that had trusts controlling their industries thus causing the big companies to take over all of the little companies and putting workers out of business. This vast growth caused companies to monopolize within the market. With in 1887 and 1904 nine steel companies were consolidated into one and this caused major problems for the government. The people wanted to do something about this but could do very little this causing a dramatic change with in the economy.

“The first US president to seriously become involved in domestic economic affairs was President Theodore Roosevelt, also commonly referred to as TR. He brought a new wave of reform under the banner of The New Nationalism. When in office he promoted the rights of organized labor to exert its power over employers and the creation of government agencies to regulate the market. His successor, President William Howard Taft was Roosevelt’s protégé, yet he was more conservative than Roosevelt. While his presidency began with several large “trust busting” cases, he eventually resorted to a more conservative agenda which angered Roosevelt. In the presidential election of 1912 Roosevelt decided to run under the “Bull-Moose Party” in direct conflict with Taft. Although he did not win, he managed to split the Republican vote, which led to the Democrats winning the election and President Woodrow Wilson stepping into office. These years between Roosevelt and Wilson are now remembered as the Progressive Era and the decisions made during this period still reflect in our economy today.” (Jones M., 2011)


Jones M., & Johnstone, P. (2011). History of Criminal Justice. (5th ed.) New York, NY. Routledge.

Chapter 18, “Law Enforcement Professionalism and the Establishment of a Criminal Justice System” (pp. 303-315)