week 5 disc2 Earthquake health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

week 5 disc2 Earthquake health and medicine homework help

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have  4 or more  sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

Earthquake is one of the type of numerous natural disaster and over the years natural disasters have led so many nations to a great hardship which some are still yet to recover from, it has led to outbreak of diseases, and rendered so many people homeless.

When a disaster is envisaged it is very important to make efforts to address it and make preplanning measures and also put in place a well-coordinated emergency response during the actual disaster situation. By so doing there is an alleviation in suffering of the people when the actual occurrence happens. For this to be achieved, a combined efforts of all parastatals of the government, healthcare professionals, business, and voluntary organizations must be involved during and after the occurrence of the actual disaster.

The main aim of primary prevention is providing immediate care and providing life assistant to the victims involved to prevent further injuries and possible outbreak of diseases. People affected by this disaster are deprived of so many amenities like clean water, healthy foods, light, good housing, and other daily needs, this will then predispose them to the risk of contracting and spreading infections. (WHO, 2010). Nurses’ intervention at this phase will be to health educate people on good hygiene like proper handwashing and also provision of mosquito nets because of the likelihood of contacting malaria.

Secondary prevention on the other hand is mainly to identify and treat signs and symptoms as early as possible to prevent the infection from progressing to a more serious complication or death. In this level, the nurse should provide first aid treatment like Oral Rehydration Solution early to a child with diarrhea to prevent dehydration and possible death.

Tertiary prevention will be to identify and provide medication to those who are already infected with chronic diseases such asthma, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease and HIV/AIDS patient to continue their treatment and also in this phase rehabilitative services may also be provided to those who suffered paralysis and other muscular injuries during the incidence.

There are three phases to any disaster.

The Pre impact, Impact, and Post Impact.

For the purpose of the discussion topic, the above interventions falls under the post impact phase which has two components, the emergency and recovery phase.

The emergency phase is the time of rescue and first aid. Recovery phase begins during the emergency phase and ends with the return of normal community order and functioning.

 I chose this phase because this is when the nurse really gets involved with the care of the affected people and also intervene in alleviating their sufferings.

I would choose to work with the emergency response network, like the police and firefighters because everyone will have an opportunity to display their knowledge as it relates to the incidence. Although they may have an entirely different focus than healthcare workers. It is vital that all efforts be directed in a well-designed and coordinated manner to ensure the most efficient and timely response to all disaster needs.