Week 4 Project

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  • Reading time:5 mins read

Week 4 Project

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Community Health Promotion Project

For this assignment, you will compose a scholarly paper focused on health promotion for a population of your choosing. Your paper should be 6 to 7 pages in length and formatted in APA style.

Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify the population you choose and analyze relevant information (demographics, socioeconomics, environmental hazards, and access to healthcare) pertaining to your chosen population.
  • Analyze and discuss the mortality and morbidity risk factors for your selected population. Discuss four health risk factors.
  • Suggest a health promotion activity for each health issue identified from your analysis.
  • Use course lectures, textbook readings, and three scholarly journal articles to support your findings and recommendations in relation to your chosen population.

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format. You can use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.

Submission Details:

  • Name your document SU_NSG4074_W4_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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Rubric Name: NSG4074 Week 4 Project Rubric




Analyzed relevant information (demographics, socioeconomics, environmental hazards and access to health care) pertaining to chosen population.

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–24)

Satisfactory (C range) (25–28)

Proficient (B range) (29–32)

Exemplary (A range) (33–36)

/ 36


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.



Analyzed and discussed four mortality and morbidity risk factors for your selected population.

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–24)

Satisfactory (C range) (25–28)

Proficient (B range) (29–32)

Exemplary (A range) (33–36)

/ 36


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.




Suggested a health promotion activity for each health issue identified from analysis of the selected health population.

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–24)

Satisfactory (C range) (25–28)

Proficient (B range) (29–32)

Exemplary (A range) (33–36)

/ 36


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.




Utilized course lecture, textbook, and scholarly journal articles to supplement findings in relation to the chosen population.

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–24)

Satisfactory (C range) (25–28)

Proficient (B range) (29–32)

Exemplary (A range) (33–36)

/ 36


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.




Organization (introduction, thesis, transitions, and conclusion).

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–8)

Satisfactory (C range) (9)

Proficient (B range) (10)

Exemplary (A range) (11–12)

/ 12


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.




Usage and mechanics (grammar, spelling, and sentence structure).

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–8)

Satisfactory (C range) (9)

Proficient (B range) (10)

Exemplary (A range) (11–12)

/ 12


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.




APA elements (attribution, paraphrasing, and quotations)

No Submission

Emerging (F through D range) (1–8)

Satisfactory (C range) (9)

Proficient (B range) (10)

Exemplary (A range) (11–12)

/ 12


No Submission – 0 points


Student did not submit assignment.



/ 180

Overall Score


No Submission

0 points minimum

Emerging (F through D range)

1 point minimum

Satisfactory (C range)

126 points minimum

Proficient (B range)

144 points minimum

Exemplary (A range)

162 points minimum