week 2 quiz 3

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

week 2 quiz 3

Question 1

In each of the examples cited in the Big Data Examples article, what drove the need to collect and analyze data?
Student Response:

Organization Drivers for Data Collection and Analysis
Partners Healthcare

Question 2

For each of the organizations cited in your Big Data Examples reading, apply the concept of data wrapping, as discussed by Wixom and Schuritz in their article on Creating Customer Value Using Analytics, to describe how each of the companies in the table might employ data analytics to add value to their respective products/services.
Student Response:

Organization Drivers for Data Collection and Analysis
Partners Healthcare

Question 3

What are the benefits and what are the risks in any “big data” undertaking?
Student Response:

Benefits of Big Data Applications Risks in Employing Big Data Applications
Add more rows as needed

Question 4

  1. What tools and skills are required to affect the positive leveraging of data within the enterprise?
    • Tools:
      • Add more lines as needed.
    • Skills:
      • Add more lines as needed.

Question 5

  1. Can you identify an example of how big data is or might be employed in your current organization? Please explain your response using a structured outline.
    1. Add more as needed.

Question 6

  1. Can you identify an example how your current organization employs or might employ social networking and the type of “business intelligence” that would emerge from this use? Please explain your response using a structured outline.
    1. Add more as needed.