week 2 disc 22 A major clinical issue faced by the organization is the increased rate of patient restraints writing homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

week 2 disc 22 A major clinical issue faced by the organization is the increased rate of patient restraints writing homework help

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

A major clinical issue faced by the organization is the increased rate of patient restraints. The goal is to use restraints or seclusion only when it is clinically justified or when warranted by patient behavior that threatens the physical and immediate safety of the patient, staff or others and only after less restrictive interventions is determined to be ineffective to protect the patient, staff member or others from harm. Patients may not be restrained as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation. The use of restraints or seclusion is based on individualized patient assessment and re-evaluation and must be discontinued as soon as possible. In all instances of restraint and seclusion use, measures will be taken to protect the rights, dignity and well-being of the patient. The decision to use a restraint is not driven by diagnosis or based on the device or location of its use, but rather an assessment of the patient’s needs. Restraints should not be considered for use as a component of the Fall Prevention program. Restraints for Nonviolent and non self-destructive behavior are typically the types of physical restraints. Those are nursing interventions to keep the patient from pulling at tubes, drains, and lines or to prevent the patient from ambulating when it’s unsafe to do so in other words, to enhance patient care. For example, a restraint used for nonviolent behavior may be appropriate for a patient with an unsteady gait, increasing confusion, agitation, restlessness, and a known history of dementia, who now has a urinary tract infection and keeps pulling out his I.V. line. Restraints for Violent, self-destructive behavior are devices or interventions for patients who are violent or aggressive, threatening to hit or striking staff, or banging their head on the wall, who need to be stopped from causing further injury to themselves or others. The goal of using such restraints is to keep the patient and staff safe in an emergency situation. For example, a patient responding to hallucinations that commands him or her to hurt staff and lunge aggressively may need a physical restraint to protect everyone involved. Chemical restraint involves use of a drug to restrict a patient’s movement or behavior, where the drug or dosage used isn’t an approved standard of treatment for the patient’s condition. For example, a provider may order haloperidol in a high dosage for a postsurgical patient who won’t go to sleep. (If the drug is a standard treatment for the patient’s condition, such as an antipsychotic for a patient with psychosis or a benzodiazepine for a patient with alcohol-withdrawal delirium, and the ordered dosage is appropriate, it’s not considered a chemical restraint.) Many healthcare facilities prohibit use of medications for chemical restraint.