Wee9 9 omni channel intergration 1

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Wee9 9 omni channel intergration 1

Omni-channel Integration – Watch the video, Omni-channel Integration, and answer the following questions:

Question One

  • Develop a digital and social marketing communications plan using traditional communications channels for your hypothetical business.

Question Two

  • Is social media right for your hypothetical business? Did you mark yes to the majority of the questions in the checklist? If so, what social media channels would you use and why? If not, why is social media not right for your business? What social media channels would you use and why?

Question Three

  • How would you modify the messaging specific to digital/social media and personal selling? Provide an example to illustrate this point.

Respond to Peer(s)

  • Read and respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

this is the student response

Question One

  • Develop a digital and social marketing communications plan using traditional communications channels for your hypothetical business.

“Inclusive Family Care Partners” will reach our target audience with a carefully crafted and conscientious outlook for our patients and their loved ones who are looking into receiving personal care/ home health services. With the majority of our marketing and advertising being done through technological advances we’re aiming to advertise and promote our company and services through media outlets like: Face Book, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Being that nearly everyone now-a-days has access to a computer or some type of electronic device that has access to the internet we’re able to continually disperse imagines, consumer/patient related stories/ successes, promotional offers and savings and as well as up-to-date company related information regarding company structure, changes and etc. The access to these social media sites allows us to reach millions of people instantaneously in real time and make a major impact on the patients we’re serving. No one will essentially be left outside the loop or left in the dark as it relates to “Inclusive Family Care Partners”.

Question Two

  • Is social media right for your hypothetical business? Did you mark yes to the majority of the questions in the checklist? If so, what social media channels would you use and why? If not, why is social media not right for your business? What social media channels would you use and why?

I believe that in healthcare a strong concept to live by as it relates to this particular question is; “People may not remember what you said to them but they will remember how you made them feel.” I hold strongly to this concept as we all have either experienced personally or dealt with a family member, friend or loved one that was battling a medical condition or perhaps failing health—to know that they were in the great care of a dedicated medical facility and being treated by a medical professional who puts your family members, friend or loved one’s needs first means would mean the world to you so I could imagine. Now-a-days with the opportunity of and the advancement in technology we’re able to get a world wind of information at the click or press of a button. And, with that being said and so easily accessible to millions of people it is vitally important that we at “Inclusive Family Care Partners” create and provide an image of transparency. Making sure that all of our patients and our patients’ family members feel safe and secure in knowing that their family members are in the hands of people they can trust and that will uphold the upmost highest quality of care &standards and take all the necessary precautions to ensure a comfortable and safe experience for our patients. So, yes, the internet/ social media is a great resource for “Inclusive Family Care Partners” to advertise, promote, market and inform the world of our exceptional high caliber of care. In utilizing social media we would create accounts with companies that are known to provide the most traffic and drive sales to “Inclusive Family Care Partners” such as: Face Book, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Not only is half the world in tune with these social media platforms but with the opportunity to provide real time events via videos, stories, clips and tweets—these media platforms provide a cost free service to both the view and user to access at anytime day or night, 365 days a year.

Question Three

  • How would you modify the messaging specific to digital/social media and personal selling? Provide an example to illustrate this point.

As previously mentioned, I would relay a message that would resonate with anyone who has experienced personally or dealt with a family member, friend or loved one that was battling a medical condition or perhaps failing health—a message of hope, strength, perseverance and the opportunity to feel comforted and supported. To not feel like they have to fight the fight alone. Two examples of a social media post that I would create amongst all platforms (Face Book, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat) would be one that is aimed towards promotion and the other post that is aimed towards resonating with the public: See the examples of both posts below:

This post is aimed towards promoting “Inclusive Family Care Partners” services and an all inclusive dedicated culture:

“We at, “Inclusive Family Care Partners” aim to be the main point of contact for independent services for families seeking aide & assistance for their loved ones and for medical facilities, rehabilitation centers & home health facilities to partner with “Inclusive Family Care Partners” to provide mass referral services to all patients who are in need of care & assistance while still being at inpatient facilities as well as for patients who are currently in the process of and currently transitioning and in need of long term care. We aim to be the first and only option for consumers who are in need of 24/7, 365 days a year medical aid & companionship services. Whether you’re looking to have a licensed RN, CNA, LPN, or certified & medically trained companion/ medical assistant accompany your loved one to their doctor’s appointment or to have a live in RN or LPN assist your loved ones with their day-to-day needs; we at “Inclusive Family Care Partners” want to become part of your family and help your loved ones through this transitional period. As well, “Inclusive Family Care Partners” will also provide transportation services, through a fleet of vehicles dispatched to multiple cities across the county. We’re taking it a step further as we’re fully to provide around-the-clock service(s) to our patients that have doctor’s appointments, may need assistance with everyday errands and so forth. Eliminating the fear that most of our patients’ have in that driving themselves or perhaps not being able to access a vehicle on their own may bring. We’re dedicated in achieving the trust of the community by putting our patient’s health and needs first. We do this by focusing on the healing and preservation of human life and through the belief that with dedication, transparency, support, kindness and love & the best state of the art treatment programs and licensed medical health professionals we will be able to heal and comfort all who walk through the doors of “Inclusive Family Care Partners”.

This post is aimed towards resonating with the public:

“Inclusive Family Care Partners…“Family Centered Care for Our Patients who are Our First Priority”. We realize the need for our patients to feel a part of our family. We do not look at them specifically as patients or as a medical number but as human beings. That’s why our commitment and our actions behind our beliefs and motto are in direct alignment with what we do & how we function on a day-to-day basis. Our patients should never feel that we’re too busy that we overlook or undermine them in any sense of the word. Every thought and action a patient experiences, we want to be there to assist them through or with those thoughts and emotions. Because, that is what family does for one another, provides and gives support, love, understanding and non judgmental advice and care in both good and bad times. We are â€œInclusive Family Care Partners”.