Ways to Improve the Use of EBP in Nursing

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:7 mins read
              Introduction (Note: the word introduction is not a header) will address the following:

What is evidence-based practice (EBP)? In student’s own words, not copy/pasted from any source.  Final sentence of introduction will state: This paper will present three articles related to EBP and will address ways to improve the use of EBP in nursing. (Entire introduction should be 2-4 sentences long.)

Body of Paper: Using in-text citations, each paragraph will have a heading and address the following:

Clarification of the kind of source being summarized (statistic, RCT, observational study, case study, lit review, commentary, etc.)
Explanation of author credentials (Is the author a nurse, doctor, other?) Each author need not be listed individually.  They can be referred to as a group (i.e., three of the authors are nurses, two are doctors).
Summary of the source (no more than 5 sentences long) What was the goal/purpose of the study?  How was the study conducted? What were the results of the study (data)?
One-two sentence(s) explaining the outcome (lesson learned) of the study.
Note: Summaries should be written as paragraphs, not numbered lists.  The prompts presented in these instructions should not be included in the summary.  Each sentence should make sense to a reader who has not seen the prompts.

Conclusion: Conclusion will discuss how the use EBP can be improved in 3-4 sentences. What can nurses do?

References: List 3 selected studies from the 5 provided references in APA7 format.

Article 1: Evidence‐Based Practice Competence in Nursing Students: An Exploratory Study With Important Implications for Educators Links to an external site.

Article 2: Faculty and Students Find a Niche in Scholarship: Links to an external site.Teaching Strategies to Disseminate Scholarly Links to an external site.Evidence-Based Practice ProjectsLinks to an external site.

Article 3: Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementations: a cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing studentsLinks to an external site.

Article 4: Readiness, Barriers and Potential Strenght of Nursing in Implementing Links to an external site.Evidence-Based PracticeLinks to an external site.

Article 5: The Effects of an Intensive Evidence‐Based Practice Educational and Skills Building Program on EBP Competency and AttributesLinks to an external site.



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Ways to Improve the Use of EBP in Nursing

Evidence-based practice is widely supported by experts and organizations, including the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) through its Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (Lam & Schubert, 2019). Evidence-based practice (EBP) can be defined as the integration of research evidence, clinical expertise, and unique values of patients in nursing practice to improve the quality of patient care. EBP is essential in ensuring the best clinical decisions that can lead to a high quality of health services. This paper will present three articles related to EBP and will address ways to improve the use of EBP in nursing.

Types of Sources Being Summarized

The first article was published by Lam & Schubert (2019) and titled as Evidence-Based Practice Competence in Nursing Students: An Exploratory Study with Important Implications for Educators. This was a sequential, mixed-methods research study. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research designs. For quantitative analysis, Microsoft excel was utilized. For qualitative analysis, the information was organized into themes. The second article was published by Rahmayanti et al. (2020) and titled Readiness, Barriers and Potential Strength of Nursing in Implementing Evidence-Based Practice. This was a cross-sectional study using different credible instruments. The third article is titled Evidence-based practice beliefs and implementations: a cross-sectional study among undergraduate nursing students and published by Abu-Baker et al. (2021). The researchers utilized a cross-sectional, correlational research survey design to meet the study objectives.




Author Credentials

The authors of the first article stated above include Lam, C. K., and Schubert, C. It was stated in the author information section that Christina K. Lam is an assistant professor in the School of Nursing at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA. On the other hand, Schubert, C. is an associate professor and an Interim Director of Research & Education Services, Libraries & Educational Technologies at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA, USA.  The authors of the second article include Rahmayanti, Kadar, K. S., and Saleh, A. All of them are lecturers. Kadar and Saleh are both lecturers at Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia while Rahmayanti teacher at Widya Nusantara Institute of Health Science, Palu, Indonesia. The authors of the third article are Abu-Baker, AbuAlrub, Obeidat, and Assmairan. All the authors are nursing faculty educators at various universities. Abu-Baker is a lecturer at the Jordan University of Science & Technology. , AbuAlrub and Assmairan are lecturers at Al-Balqa Applied University. Obeidat is a lecturer at Zarqa University.

Summary of the Articles

Lam & Schubert (2019) carried out a study whose aim was to explore various perceptions of evidence-based practice education and competence among baccalaureate learners. The researchers used Melnyk’s EBP competencies for practicing registered nurses as the basis for conducting comparisons. The researchers designed surveys, and semi-structured interviews to identify factors affecting learners’ understanding of EBP and their behaviors to seek information in the clinical setting. Based on study results, students identified actions facilitating EBP competencies as searching for evidence. However, they could not identify higher-order actions such as best practices of dissemination and incorporating evidence to plan EBP changes.

Rahmayanti et al. (2020) aimed to determine barriers and strengths, as well as, the readiness of nurses to implement EBP. The sampling technique in this study was convenience sampling. SPSS 21 was utilized to analyze the data obtained from the study for quantitative analysis. The study results indicate a significant readiness score (reporting high skills and knowledge regarding EBP), positive attitude, and workplace culture that fosters EBP. However, about half of the nurses were not sure about their ability to engage in evidence-based practice.

Abu-Baker et al. (2021) conducted a study whose purpose was to learn about the differences in students’ beliefs and implementations of EBP before and after receiving training. The study sample was undergraduate nursing students. The participants received a study package. They were given 20 minutes to fill out the questionnaire in the Evidence-Based Practice Belief and Implementation scales and return it to the principle investigator. The study results indicated a much lower score 25.34 out of 72 (SD = 12.37). Students who received training reported higher belief and implementation scores.

Lessons Learned From the Articles

Much can be learned from each of the studies. Lam & Schubert (2019) depicted that a clinical learning setting is an ideal place for applying EBP. As a result, nurse educators required EBP tools to measure the EBP competence of students in a variety of settings. Rahmayanti et al. (2020) suggest that readiness is an essential aspect of EBP implementation. Readiness can enhance changes to EBP processes and designs needed before its adoption. Finally yet importantly, Abu-Baker et al. (2021) also showed that EBP training could enhance its implementation and belief among nurses.




Based on the above information, EBP can be improved by modifying the nursing curriculum to educate baccalaureate-nursing students about evidence-based practice in the colleges. In addition, training nurses about EBP and its importance can improve implementation and belief in the practice: registered nurses should be trained about EBP. Furthermore, healthcare facilities should ensure proper readiness before EBP implementation.