watch the video and respond to the discussion question 1

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

watch the video and respond to the discussion question 1

Elon Musk want to build hid high-speed tunnel from downtown Chicago to O’Hare airport. His plan is underway in LA.


Please click on the link below and watch the video Elon Musk unveils video of high-speed underground tunnel respond to the discussion question below:

Discussion question:

Give your thought about the video?


After you watched the videos, please respond to the discussions question by doing the following:

Kindly note that this work contains 2 parts:

  • For part one,
    • Respond to the discussion question with in 12 hours from now with at least with 250-300 words
  • Then for Part two,
    • I will share with you the text-writing of four other students from the class. If so,then you need to write a respond to each student in less than 12 hours from sharing their text-writing (You must write 50-70-words response to each student).

Instructions to be successful with discussions:

  • When you post in discussions stay away from writing posts like: You’ll have a prompt like this example: Discuss the topic of AI in relation to healthcare. Some students will write an answer like. “AI is being used in healthcare for surgeries. It is a technology that is integral to the healthcare system.” This answer will receive 2 points out of 5. Yes, you answered it but did not put a critical piece in the answer– the evidence.
  • When you post in discussions stay away from writing posts like: You’ll have a prompt like this example: Discuss the topic of AI in relation to healthcare. Some students will write an answer like. “AI is being used in healthcare for surgeries. It is a technology that is integral to the healthcare system.” This answer will receive 2 points out of 5. Yes, you answered it but did not put a critical piece in the answer– the evidence.
  • Stay awayfrom statements like “I think this, or I agree with Angie.” Instead, post something like… Research suggests that AI is just as good of a predictor of medical assessment as humans ( (Links to an external site.)) Further machine technology is being used not only in diagnosis but also in treatment( (Links to an external site.)). Has anyone in the class had a personal experience with this kind of surgery? This is a more robust post and encourages interaction. It would receive full points.

This wok must be done in 24 hours maximum.