Values and Attitudes

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Values and Attitudes

and Attitudes

People from a similar culture do not all think alike or share similar values systems and opinions. Inside any cultural group or community, personal views and values are molded by numerous variables including our age, gender, income, religion, sexuality, profession, education, political perspectives, and personal experiences. Similarly, values and attitudes can change after some time and are never the same thing to everyone. According to Atma Global Inc (2013), there is nothing more vital to Italians than family. Their faithfulness and responsibility start with family. Italians want to keep up family solidarity and along these lines is known to have a few generations living under one roof. Italians are noisy and garrulous explicitly amid supper time with their families and companions. A larger part of Italians values and attitudes are molded by the church.

Most Italians values and attitudes are equivalent to the Catholic church. They are generally direct in their suppositions about existence, trusting that life is delightful and intended to be appreciated and shared. Trust is essential to Italians and they are unhurried to offer it. When their trust is earned, it will endure forever as Italians will think about you as a component of their family. Italians trust should not be taken for granted, as Italy was at one time a nation vanquished, controlled, and disillusioned by numerous individuals all through its long history. Respect is vital to Italians. From their point of view, if trust is not demonstrated their trust will never be earned. Specific in business settings, respect is communicated in the tone of the voice and by utilizing individuals’ formal titles (Atma Global Inc, 2013).

People from a similar culture do not all think alike or share similar values systems and opinions. Inside any cultural group or community, personal views and values are molded by numerous variables including our age, gender, income, religion, sexuality, profession, education, political perspectives, and personal experiences. Similarly, values and attitudes can change after some time and are never the same thing to everyone. According to Atma Global Inc (2013), there is nothing more vital to Italians than family. Their faithfulness and responsibility start with family. Italians want to keep up family solidarity and along these lines is known to have a few generations living under one roof. Italians are noisy and garrulous explicitly amid supper time with their families and companions. A larger part of Italians values and attitudes are molded by the church.

Most Italians values and attitudes are equivalent to the Catholic church. They are generally direct in their suppositions about existence, trusting that life is delightful and intended to be appreciated and shared. Trust is essential to Italians and they are unhurried to offer it. When their trust is earned, it will endure forever as Italians will think about you as a component of their family. Italians trust should not be taken for granted, as Italy was at one time a nation vanquished, controlled, and disillusioned by numerous individuals all through its long history. Respect is vital to Italians. From their point of view, if trust is not demonstrated their trust will never be earned. Specific in business settings, respect is communicated in the tone of the voice and by utilizing individuals’ formal titles (Atma Global Inc, 2013).