Unit VIII Final Project

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Unit VIII Final Project

For your final project, imagine you are the United States Ambassador to the United Nations and are promoting a policy that would benefit the United States as well as the international community. Select an issue and describe how you would elevate the issue to domestic or foreign policy.

The project will be a PowerPoint presentation and must identify your issue, the steps you will take to elevate it to policy, the role of our three branches of government, and who needs to be involved, including citizens, media, and other elected officials. The presentation should include the information below.

  • your issue and the policy you are creating
  • why the policy is important to the U.S. and the international community
  • the role of the three branches of government in the policy-making process, namely how they contribute to the formation, implementation, and evaluation of U.S. domestic policy
  • the role citizens and interest groups will play in the development of your policy
  • the ways the media will be used to influence the development, implementation, and evaluation of your policy

Your presentation must include the following:

  • a minimum of four images/graphics/photos
  • at least 10 slides, excluding title and references slides
  • a title slide with your name, course name/number, instructor, and date
  • a reference slide


  • Select a simple, uncluttered PowerPoint design theme.
  • Present your content in a creative, eye-catching manner.
  • Use light backgrounds with dark fonts for optimal contrast.
  • Use bullet points.

You must reference at least three scholarly sources, one of which can be your textbook. All in-text citations and references must be formatted in APA Style. All sources included in the presentation must be cited, including photos, graphics (e.g., tables, charts), video clips, and audio clips.

The textbook is online at the following link:




The textbook chapters relating to this assignment are 16 and 17.