Unit 2 Assessment Criminal Law

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Unit 2 Assessment Criminal Law

Question 1         When were most inchoate crimes recognized in American law?                 The fourteenth century

The sixteenth century

The eighteenth century

The twentieth century
Question 2         Which portion of an attempted crime is not enough to sustain a conviction?

Mere confession

Mere preparation

Mere solicitation

Mere corroboration

Question 3         Which of the following actions is most likely to be ruled a “substantial step” in the commission of an attempt?

Buying a book on cleaning up crime scenes

Purchasing a personal firearm

Taking out a life insurance policy

Lying in wait for the victim

Question 4         Which concept holds that acts remotely leading toward a crime are not liable, but acts immediately connected to it are?

The mere preparation test

The proximity approach

The coinciding test

The concurrency approach

Question 5          Which of the following is an inchoate crime?                 Murder


