The U S Department of Health and Human Services Wk 7 Response 2 Nursing Technology help

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The U S Department of Health and Human Services Wk 7 Response 2 Nursing Technology help

Nursing homework help

Please create a response to my classmates posting that I will list below.

APA format*** 2 paragraphs for the response below***at least 4-5 sentences each paragraph***2 References**

My Classmates posting was:


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) defines workflow as the sequence of physical and mental tasks performed by various people within and between work environments. It further states that workflow can occur at several levels (one person, between people, across organizations) and can occur sequentially or simultaneously. Workflow is very important in the workplace because it serves as a guide to ensure that tasks are performed and completed smoothly and that everything is done in a timely manner.

Work Tool Concepts

Three concepts that from the Workflow Assessment for Health IT Toolkit that would help in redesigning a workflow within my organization include using Flowcharts. According to DHHS, Flowcharts visually convey the steps in a process. Flow charts show the steps in a process, it also shows the handoffs that occur in a process and identifies individuals involved in each process. I think the idea of a visual is appealing as it draws individuals to it. This makes it easy for individuals to see the process clearly and that way they can pinpoint areas that need improvement.

The other concept I found to be useful is the use of Checklists. Checklists enable individuals to determine the specific frequency of certain events or tasks and also displays data in familiar formats for easy use such as a bar chart (DHHS). At my facility, we have a task list which is similar to a checklist. I find it useful because it serves as a guide and a reminder of what needs to be accomplished in a day. With the task list, nurses can cross out tasks done during their shift. Not only does it ensure that all work is done but it makes everyone accountable. We are required to give report in the patient’s room using the computer. There’s a patient handoff tab and a task list tab which is expected to be clear at the end of the shift. If it is not clear then the nurse explains why and nurses who have a habit of passing on tasks are held accountable.

The third concept is Simulation also referred to as role- playing or scenario – based evaluation. It involves the user in providing feedback on system design, it can replicate the work environment and it also provides feedback on proposed design. When individuals are involved in the process of designing, ideas are shared with the goal of designing a workflow that is efficient. Simulation allows for the system design to be tested and evaluated and based on results, the workflow can be adjusted to ensure that it is efficient. Workflow analysis requires careful attention to details and the ability to moderate group discussions, organize, organize concepts, and generate solutions. McGonigle & Mastrian (2015). p.230

Summary of Article

The article, Adaptive Daily Rhythm Atmospheres (ADRA) for stroke patients: A staff evaluation was very beneficial in highlighting the importance of sticking to a routine in a neurology ward. This is because stroke patients are at a high risk of confusion, delirium, and disorientation. The ADRA concept uses sensors like light, audio, and video throughout the day with the goal of supporting the daily rhythm of the patient. Workflow is timed to match tasks during the day, artificial light is gradually increased to mimic daytime, Videos display time and day of the week to help with orientation, and nature pictures and sounds are used for a calming effect on the patient. The conclusion was that hospital staff and patients expected a positive outcome in all ADRA phases on the efficiency of the clinical workflow. The results showed that careful consideration of both patient and staff needs enabled the design of patient- centered solutions that did not negatively impact staff workflow and had a window to allow for improvement. I would adopt the design for my floor because currently, nurses on my unit perform tasks based on their needs because the focus is on completing tasks and sometimes patient’s needs are overlooked. For instance, dayshift nurses don’t complete baths during the day because they feel like night shifters are not busy enough at night. As a night shifter, it is difficult to give baths at the beginning of the shift as it is the busiest time and it doesn’t make sense either to wake a patient up at 3 am to give a bath. Going forward I will be proactive in amending the workflow to suit the patients’ needs and the nurse’s needs.

Importance of Monitoring Technology Effect on Workflow

According to McGonigle & Mastrian (2015) p.241, Workflow analysis is not an optional part of clinical implementations, but rather a necessity for safe patient care supported by technology. Health care system is ever changing and it is important to monitor workflow and adjust it accordingly to suit the needs of the floor for efficiency and patient safety.


Daemen E.M.L., Flinsenberg I.C.M., van Loenen E.J, Cuppen R.P.G., & Rajae-Joordens R.J.E.

(2013). Adaptive Daily Rhythm Atmospheres for stroke patients: A staff evaluation. Retrieved from

McGonigle, D & Mastrian, K.G (2015), Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge.

(3rd edition), Burlington, MA: Jones& Bartlett Learning.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). Workflow assessment for health IT toolkit.

Retrieved from