The true cost

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

The true cost

Using the film, The True Cost, answer the questions below. Post to blackboard a 2 paragraph summary of questions, 7-9. Further, select 1 question from 1-6 and summarize in 1 paragraph what most surprised you about how that concept is demonstrated through the film. Finally, in thinking about the terms cultural differentialism, cultural convergence, Cultural hybridization use 1 paragraph to identify 1 example of each from the film.

The True Cost

A Case Study in the Practice of Globalization

Viewing Guide: Be sure to add the terms from above to this viewing guide. I am also adding the terms below even though I did not have you read the material associated with them. These are important terms when we think about the economic practice of globalization in a neoliberal context.


1. 1. Poverty Governance


  • Because the poor are more vulnerable under the policies of globalization, poverty must be managed.
  • Poverty governance includes policy made by IMF and the World Bank to try to eliminate poverty.
  • Poverty governance includes coordinating with non-governmental organizations to create poverty elimination programs.


Can you find examples in the film relating to globalization and poverty governance?


2. 2. Outsourcing


  • The relocation of goods and services of production as a cost reduction strategy and a means to increase operational flexibility of an organization.
  • Capital is very flexible meaning corporations have easier access to move their production of goods to countries with cheap labor.
  • Governments also outsource service contracts (postal, defense, healthcare etc.)

Please provide examples of outsourcing from the film and the problems associated with outsourcing.

3. 3.Displacement


  • Redundancy of people
  • Increasing unemployment
  • Structural unemployment displacing people from the economy
  • Depeasantization (shift from agricultural to urban settings)
  • Globalization stratifies people not only nationally but internationally further displacing people.
  • Displacement of people includes 2 categories: rich nomads (consumer citizens/travelers from privileged regions) and poor nomads (“boat people” on a planetary scale).
  • People will look for opportunities in other countries or urban environments if they cannot meet their needs.
  • However, corporations need this cheap labor and thus immigration (both legal and illegal) is a necessary component of globalization.


Examples from the film of displacement?

4. 4.Labor: The New Export

  • The increase of labor circulation globally whether through migration, immigration, slave or bonded labor or “illegal” movement of labor.
  • More women are now migrating globally (75% are women and children)
  • Migrant laborers have few to no rights thus making them a vulnerable population in terms of exploitation.
  • Remittances become a vital part of survival for families left behind.
  • Remittances become a source of government income to fund schools, etc.
  • Labor also has a multicultural affect creating tensions around difference—differences in culture, people, etc.

Examples from the film of labor as an export?

5. 5.Informalization

  • Globalization increases informal or marginal economic activity.
  • People working in unregulated fields.
  • People working “under the table” or “on the side”
  • Thus, because they are left out of the formal economy they find ways to make a living on the fringes.

Examples from the film?


6. 6.Global Recolonization


  • This can include the exploitation of rural areas by urban areas.
  • Production of goods and extraction of resources from poor regions of the world have very little economic impact on the regions even though they are bearing the social, economic and environmental costs of production.
  • Nation-states are losing sovereignty rights to corporations.
  • Continued structural violence committed against the most marginalized peoples and countries.

Examples from the film?

7. 7.What surprised you the most from the film? What didn’t surprise you from the film?

8. 8.In what ways do you participate in the “throw away” fashion culture?

9. 9.How can we decrease our participation in the throw away fashion culture?