The mental image we form of our own bodies

1) The mental image we form of our own bodies is called
A) self awareness
B) unembodiment
C) body image
D) health psychology
2) Studies on stress and the immune system firmly suggest that
A) a sense of hope can reverse a terminal illness
B) the lack of sufficient “will power” is definitely a cause of cancer
C) depression has little effect on the immune system
D) stress weakens the immune system, making us more susceptible to illness
3) What percent of Americans regularly exercise as health experts recommend?
A) 17
B) 29
C) 22
D) 34
4) Are more Americans smoking tobacco today than ever before?
A) today more young people smoke, but fewer adults smoke
B) no
C) the percent of smokers has remained about the same
D) yes
5) The symptoms of psychoactive drug dependence disorder include
A) unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use
B) excessive thirst when the substance isn’t available
C) a significant hearing impairment
D) desire to lash out at others
6) What percent of Americans live where air quality standards are not met?
A) 32
B) nearly 50
C) 25
7) What features of our environment may create stress and therefore be unhealthy?
Environments that are
A) ambiguous
B) uncontrollable
C) unpredictable
D) all of the above
8) The most common health problem associated with physical activity is
A) sleep apnea
B) diabetes
C) injury
D) high cholesterol
9) What role can others play in our wellness?
A) social support can increase longevity, according to studies
B) friends serve to distract us from our regular fitness routines
C) family members are the ones who care most about us so are most likely to encourage
us to stay fit
D) friends are better in terms of encouraging us to stay fit; family members sound like
“nags” when they interfere in our fitness routines
10) The belief that we can influence the occurrence of events in our environment that af-
fect our lives is called
A) internal reinforcement
B) fate or luck
C) perceived control
D) external locus of control
11) In China (as compared to the U.S.), students are more likely to attribute school suc-
cess to
A) control
B) luck
C) self-efficacy
D) fate
12) ________ locus of control is when a person believes they have control; ________ locus
of control is when a person feels an outside source has control.
A) personal; internal
B) personal; external
C) internal; external
D) external; internal
13) A major characteristic of people with a high degree of perceived control is that they
A) are reluctant to seek out information about their environment
B) assume blame when they fail
C) recognize the role of luck in their lives
D) attribute responsibility to themselves and their efforts for the desirable outcomes
14) According to the text, the initial step for making sound decisions is to
A) evaluate the alternatives
B) rise to the challenge
C) weigh the options
D) make a commitment
15) What percent of people break New Year’s resolutions within the first three months?
A) very few people break them because most people publicly announce their resolutions
B) only people with learned reactance break them
C) about half of the people break them
D) almost everyone breaks them
16) According to Maslow, the average person is most satisfied with their ________ needs.
A) esteem
B) love
C) safety
D) physiological
17) Zuckerman and others suggest that the need for sensation-seeking behavior
A) may be partly biological
B) is entirely due to our life circumstances, especially our field of employment; if the job
is boring, we seek sensations elsewhere
C) is not affected by social influences
D) becomes stronger with age
18) Plutchik’s model identifies ________ primary emotions.
A) 8
B) 9
C) 10
D) 11
19) Women report ________ responses to negative personal events than do men.
A) sadder
B) similar
C) happier
D) no
20) An “I” message generally commences with
A) a concrete example of how the other’s action affects you
B) a description of the other person’s objectionable behavior
C) a description of your emotional reaction
D) a command for the person to cease and desist
21) Which principles generally guide notions of physical attractiveness?
A) ethnocentrism and culture influence our perceptions of attractiveness
B) appropriate hip-to-waist ratio is important to many people
C) men care more about physical attractiveness than women
D) all of these principles
22) Judging someone to be wonderful because she is warm would exemplify misjudging a
person because of
A) physical attraction
B) the halo effect
C) false cues
D) stereotypes
23) The experience of loneliness is especially common among
A) middle-aged industry workers
B) older women
C) college students
D) married men
24) Which statement is true about loneliness?
A) people with high emotional intelligence experience greater loneliness
B) individuals whose parents died experience increased loneliness
C) some of the loneliest people had divorced parents when they were young
D) people who are high in empathy and aware of their emotions tend to be lonely
25) What factor appears to contribute most to our success in life, according to research?
A) intelligence
B) self-disclosure
C) number of influential friends