The health care reform health and medical assignment help

Case Assignment
The health care reform debate is not a new one. The plan for a national system was a Hillary Clinton platform when she was First Lady. The notion lost steam and was placed on the back shelf until the election of President Obama. During President Obama’s presidency, the debate for the need of a national plan has heated up considerably. It is incumbent on us all to become as informed about health care reform as possible because it affects us, our family, and loved ones.
- List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform from experts, interest groups, etc.
- Discuss how the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) fits (or does not fit) with the recommendations.
Length: Submit a 3-page paper
Required Reading
Auerbach, J. (2015). Creating incentives to move upstream: Developing a diversified portfolio of population health measures within payment and health care reform. American Journal of Public Health, 105(3), 427-431.
Geisel, J. (2015). Health care reform law’s auto-enrollment rule repealed. Business Insurance, 49(23), 3.
Ogundipe, B., Alam, F., Gazula, L., Olagbemiro, Y., Osiezagha, K., Bailey, R., & Richie, W., (2015). Remaking the American health care system: A positive reflection on the Affordable Care Act with emphasis on mental health care. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 26(1), 49-61.
Pai, R.K., Kennedy, M., & Hahn, P. (2016). Health care reform—12 steps to recovery. Physician Leadership Journal, 3(3), 52-54.
Perez, K. (2016). Healthcare reform and the presidential election campaign. Healthcare Financial Management, 70(4), 102-103.
Presidential candidate’s comments on Medicare reform spark debate. (2015, July 28). Washington: The Advisory Board Company.
Reiboldt, M. (2016). Presidential election and healthcare policy: The last time we discuss this (for a while, at least). The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 31(5), 261-262.