The Director Team at St Francis Nursing Home powerpoint presentation help

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The Director Team at St Francis Nursing Home powerpoint presentation help

Nursing homework help

The Director Team at St. Francis Nursing Home has been asked to create and implement a program to retain nurses. Nursing staff collectively felt that their administration did not fully understand a nurse’s job duties and did not provide a way for the nurses to share their concerns about the work environment. Morale is low, and nurses have been resigning at a rapid pace. They are currently at a turnover rate of 22%. 

Use the steps of the decision-making process regarding the scenario above.

Create a 7- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that addresses the following:

  • Identify the purpose.
    • Identify the challenges of being a manager.
  • Set the criteria.
    • Explain the goals you want to achieve as a manager.
  • Weight the criteria.
    • Explain the goals in order of importance as a manager.
  • Seek alternatives.
    • Analyze alternative tools a manager can use to motivate staff.
    • Analyze how a leader can use these tools to motivate staff.
    • Explain how leaders and managers motivate staff differently.
    • Explain tips managers can use to empower staff.
  • Test alternatives.
    • Analyze how positive modeling can be used in this scenario and the alternatives available for modeling.
    • Analyze how managers can incorporate mentorship into daily responsibilities.
  • Troubleshoot.
    • Explain how to address resistance from staff.
    • Explain the issues that may impede the achievement of goals.
  • Evaluate the action.
    • Evaluate how goals will be measured to ensure success.
    • Analyze the ethical considerations in leadership and management.
    • Explain other management decisions that must be considered in the scenario to improve employee morale.
    • Analyze how the success of the decisions will be measured.

Cite a minimum of 5 references.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.