Question 1
The treatment model most likely to be effective
with a suicidal and substance abusing person is:
a.Mindfulness-based treatment.
b.Transtheoretical model of change (TTM).
c.Motivational interviewing (MI).
d.Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
e.Self-determination theory (SDT).
Question 2
Addiction professionals today:
A. May have a background that includes personal recovery from addictive behavior.
B. Have to meet credentialing requirements that include education in theories of addiction.
C. Frequently cling to a favorite theory and disregard other theories.
D. Need to be flexible to tailor individualized or customized care to clients.
Behaviorists expect relapses to occur early in recovery because:
A. The addicted individual’s condition has not progressed to the disease stage.
B. Many of the rewards of recovery come only after long periods of sobriety.
C. Negative consequences for addictive behavior are quickly forgotten.
Question 4
Voucher-based treatment for cocaine dependence:
A. Pays addicts for clean urine specimens.
B. Includes relationship counseling.
C. Is a community reinforcement approach to treatment.
D. Behavioral treatment component had better results than those in 12-Step drug counseling.
Question 5
This approach has been shown
to be more effective than peer-based CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy)
groups to reduce high-severity substance-related behaviors among ethnic minority youth:
A. BSFT (Brief Strategic Family Therapy).
B. FFT (functional family therapy).
C. MDFT (multidimensional family therapy).
D. MST (multisystemic family therapy).
E. None of the above (they are about equal).
The model of addiction enjoying the greatest support
from the law enforcement and prison industries is:
C. Disease models of addiction.
D. Psychological models of addiction.
E. Social models of addiction.
The foundations of addiction treatment in the United States today are the:
B. Disease models of addiction
C. Psychological models of addiction
Family roles in a family suffering from the disease of addiction may:
B. May result in a scapegoat who also acts as a family clown.
C. May result in a lost child who acts out and may become delinquent.
D. May result in a family hero who attempts to do everything right.
E. May result in a mascot who withdraws in order to cope.
The social learning theory (SLT) proposed by Albert Bandura is also known as:
A. Is concerned with promoting and protecting health of populations.
B. Is often contrasted with medicine which focuses on the individual.
C. Replaced a focus on miasma (invisible toxic matter from the earth) as the cause of disease.
D. Replaced the sanitary movement in many cities in the late 1800s.
Relapsing to addictive behavior is viewed as a learning experience
that can be used to strengthen gains made in treatment by the:
B. Disease models of addiction.
C. Psychological models of addiction.
D. Social models of addiction.
A. Is today one of the most widely used, evidenced-based prevention programs.
B. Is restricted to high school students in predominantly white neighborhoods.
C. Trains students on actions of drugs and medical and legal consequences.
D. Is conducted in week-long sessions during summer breaks.
Respondent conditioning (classical conditioning, Pavlovian conditioning)
helps explain why repeated drug use in the same environment may result in:
Behaviorists believe that adaptive behaviors as well as maladaptive behaviors
like addiction are the result of:
The recommendation to address cognitive, behavioral and
social factors in efforts to overcome addictive behavior is best represented by:
C. Disease models of addiction.
D. Psychological models of addiction.
E. Social models of addiction.
Delay discounting is when behavioral consequences
or reinforcers are delayed into the future and as a result they:
A. Increase their value and effectiveness in influencing choices.
B. Decrease their value and effectiveness in influencing choices.
C. Decrease the chance of relapse.
D. Increase the likelihood of maintaining sobriety.
It may be convenient to refer to addiction as a “brain disease” but:
A. This is insufficient and possibly misleading.
B. Singular and absolute explanations for addiction are ill-informed
or championing a social/political cause.
C. Addiction is extremely complex and arises from multiple pathways.
D. There is not one way to explain addiction.
During the 13 years of Prohibition in the United States (1920-1933):
A. The early movement to medicalize alcoholism gained strength.
B. Alcohol consumption decreased by an estimated 70%.
C. Drug addiction increased rapidly.
D. Physicians prescribed alcohol for more medical ailments like diabetes and old age.
Harm reduction approaches to addiction treatment:
A. Are most appropriate for persons not in treatment and not highly motivated to change
B. Are highly controversial especially in the United States
C. Incorporate stages of change thinking from the transtheoretical model (TTM)
D. Encourages autonomy similar to motivational interviewing
(MI) and self-determination theory (SDT)
Due to evidenced-based practice (EBP) and changes in health care law,
it is projected that all counselors in the addictions field will soon be
A. A high school diploma and some certification training.
B. A bachelor’s degree in an addiction-related field (psychology, nursing).