Target Behavior and Outcome Criteria Definition

For this assignment, you will be assessed on your understanding of the following course competencies:
- Recommend intervention goals based on client preferences, supporting environments, risks, constraints, and social validity.
- Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
After selecting your case study, you will:
- Identify the target behavior in your case study –
- 7 year old male with Autism Spectrum Disorder; target behavior is screeching (noise) in classroom when asked to do work by teacher.
- Define the target behavior in your case study. Your definition must be objective, clear, and discriminative so your instructor can understand what is and what is not an example of the target behavior. Well-written target behavior definitions are necessary to accurately and reliably measure behavior and to aggregate, compare, and interpret data. Well-written definitions are also necessary to guide ongoing program decisions, apply interventions consistently and accurately, and provide accountability.
- Explain the social significance of the target behavior.
- Define the outcome criteria for changing the behavior in the case study. Outcome criteria should reflect the goal for completion of the intervention. The outcome criteria should be specified before any intervention efforts begin.
How to Organize Your Paper
Use the following subheadings in your paper and format your subheadings in current APA style.
- Case Study Description.
- Target Behavior Definition.
- Social Significance.
- Outcome Criteria Definition.
- References.
Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Resources: 3–5 scholarly or professional resources (ABA ONLY)
Length: 5–6 double-spaced pages, excluding title page and list of references.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
Use the following subheadings in your paper and format your subheadings in APA style.
Choose a client to write the paper about. You will use this client for ALL parts of the project.
Cover page, no abstract needed (APA style)- See the “Common APA Errors to Avoid” posted in updates and handouts.
Case Study Description
Here is where you provide a description of the client YOU will be using for the ENTIRE project.
You can:
· Use a real client protecting identity
· Create a client based on a past client(s)
· Use a client found in the Resources of this course
Target Behavior Definition
Here is where you provide the behavior and operational definition of your target behavior
Make sure you definitions is:
· Objective– so any observer can delineate an occurrence from a non-occurrence
· Technological– Specified the dimension of the behavior that is measure and observed
· Complete– Describe clearly so that any reader can easily understand the definition
· Include examples and nonexample
Operational definition examples:
Behavior: Talking Out
Description: Any vocalizations (with communicative intent) that are not initiated by the teacher, are out of turn, and/or are unrelated to academic content.
Answering questions directed to other students | Answering questions directed to the student or whole group |
Talking, Laughing, or making noises while the teacher gives instructions | Asking the teacher a question about work after the teacher has finished giving directions, |
Talking to a peer when direction is to work independently | Talking to a peer during group work or free time |
Making sounds or unnecessary vocal noises during instruction | Coughing or clearing throat involuntarily |
Do NOT use a table for your paper. Please write in paragraph form. I used the table to simply highlight examples and non-examples.
Behavior: Tantrum
Tantrum is defined as anytime client screams (engages in a volume louder than conversational level), cries with or without tears, may include dropping to the ground (on one or both knees, sitting, laying or any combination of above) lasting for a least 5 seconds an episode ends with 30 seconds of calm, compliant behavior. Example: Jennifer is asked to do the dishes and screams “no” and drops to the floor lasting for 10 seconds. Non-example: Jennifer stubs her toe when walking and falls to the ground due to physical discomfort.
Social Significance
Here you explain WHY this behavior will be targeted for YOUR client. What is the social significance (think APPLIED)? You will need support from the literature here. I suggest finding an article that explain why it is important to target this behavior in this population.
Outcome Criteria Definition
· Define Outcome criteria- what is it? Why is it needed? Importance etc.? use support from the literature
· What is current responding of YOUR client? Where are they NOW with the behavior (baseline)? Note- if you are using the resources or a past client, you may need to create this data. That’s okay.
SAMPLE: Currently, Joe engages in target behavior for a duration of 20 minutes per 45-minute class period. This was assessed using…………………(explain data keeping procedure)
· What preventative strategies will be put into place to aid in the reduction of this number?
SAMPLE: Completion of an FBA to determine function of target behavior and to determine the need for a behavior intervention plan will occur.
In the meantime………discuss preventative strategies you could use (example, think safety, proactive, preventing behavior)
· What is your proposed outcome criteria for 6 months.
SAMPLE: At the end of six months, target behavior will be decreased to a duration of less than 5 minutes per period.
· What is your proposed outcome criteria for 1 year.
SAMPLE: At the end of the year, target behavior will continue to occur less than 5 minutes per class period and will generalize to all classes in the school day.
Note: These are just BRIEF examples to help get you started.
Don’t forget your reference page.
Remember that APA formatting is required.