Summarize a collection methodology for data health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Summarize a collection methodology for data health and medicine homework help

I need help with this class. I do not know what to do!

I am working with Introduction to Health Information Management, this is my first discussion and paper. Can you please help me. Using book :Health Information Management /Sue Biederman and Donna Olson

Domain VI. Leadership Subdomain VI.F. Strategic and Organizational Management

1. Summarize a collection methodology for data to guide strategic & organizational management (Evaluate, 5)

b. Workflow and process monitors

c. Resource allocation

The implementation of the health insurance mandate in the ACA has exacerbated the physician shortage in America. After reviewing the article “Hiring Ahead: The ACA and 32 Million New Patients,” consider how the needs of the newly insured are/will be met.  Elaborate on the value of the Collaborative Health Care Model or the Interdisciplinary Team Approach to meet this demand.  Submit a 1 page essay in the following 1 page essay format as an attachment in this assignment.  Use at least two research sources to support your statements.  Adhere to the rubric criteria for 1 page essay.  Use this naming convention for your document:  Lastname.Firstname.Collaborative HC Model

For a 1 page essay, make each section one paragraph.
1. Introduction with thesis statement, 1 paragraph
2. Body point A, 1 paragraph
3. Body point B, 1 paragraph
4. Body point C, 1 paragraph
5. Conclusion, 1 paragraph

Resource: November 2014. Retrieved from

***Your post should
explain fully your information. Percentage points will be awarded for clear and
fully defined answers. Points will be awarded according to the grading rubric for the posting and at least one response to a posting of a classmate. Please make your initial posting by Wednesday of the week (for all discussion board postings) so that all classmates have enough posts to pick from to respond to their follow-up response.

Your assignments and discussion board posts should also be written with the APA style of writing. Health Information Professionals at times may do quite a bit of research and writing to substantiate the importance of knowledge gained and shared with others is critical. The APA style of writing will help students properly give credit where credit is due. You can find the APA Style of Writing guidelines through the McMillen Library, through the information available in the course “Additional Information” tab in the syllabus tab, and/or through the following website:

An extremely easy way to perfect APA is to compose your discussion posts and essays in Word, using the References tab.  There is an instruction sheet on this in the Course Syllabus tab.  Please be sure to review the APA Writing Style requirements and let’s practice them with the assignments and discussion board postings that will be required for HIT1200.