This assignment will require you to take the PICO, 5 research articles and place them in a table for analysis. You will critique each article and identify the most important parts of the research, analysis, and findings.
Then you will summarize the articles by grading the research, and identifying gaps in the literature as well as possible interventions (see grading rubric and examples).
1. Identify your PICO or research question of interest
2. Gather 5 research articles on your topic: be sure to save them and submit them along with the matrix; please make sure they are PDF documents.
3. Do not use clinical guidelines or Cochran Reviews, abstracts, future research reports or poster presentations. You can search for research only by indicating “research” when you do an advanced search. If you can’t answer a lot of the questions, it is probably not a research article.
4. We do not recommend that you use more than one qualitative research article or systematic review or meta analysis. These are harder to evaluate because they have so much more information in them. Remember it is not individuals in these studies- it is the articles. Use the reference list in the systematic reviews or meta analyses to find individual studies that may be easier to understand and use.
5. Review sample matrices and summaries ATTACHED
6. Use matrix table- one for each article and critique the parts of the article using the rubric-(RUBRIC IS ATTACHED)
7. Be sure to identify the evaluation tool used to grade the evidence such as (See below for grading the evidence tools)
8. Identify where there are issues with the articles and what gaps were not addressed with the research; be prepared this may change the way you look at your topic or may result in a slightly different direction for your area of interest. This is ok- that is what you want to accomplish with this assignment. It will really assist you as you move forward with your project.
9. For this assignment you will turn in the matrix tables, summary, references and pdf copies of your 5 articles.
10. Key definitions:
1. Level of evidence: the process used to evaluate the level of evidence of your articles- such as Jones Hopkins, Cincinnati Children’s evaluation etc,
2. Evaluation tool: use the method and describe how you arrived at the scoring or knowing that the article included all content it needed to- such as CASP;
3. Instrument: What type of instrument or tool was used in the article? This could be a depression screening tool, Nurse satisfaction tool etc. Describe the instrument- how many questions, reliability- consistency with test-retest, Cronbach Alpha, inter-rater reliablity; validity with content validity, face validity
Links to critical appraisal tools to evaluate research quality: Joanna Briggs Institute (
CASP checklists
Mixed Method appraisal checklist McGill:
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Legend tools- very helpful:
Johns Hopkins EBP Models and Tools:
1. PICO Format
• P = Nurses in an inpatient hospital experiencing burnout
• I = Using a mindfulness-based program
• C = no intervention at all
• O = To reduce nurse burnout
• T = within a 6-month period
MY PICOT QUESTION: For nurses in an inpatient hospital experiencing burnout, does the introduction and usage of a mindfulness-based program versus no intervention at all reduce their burnout within 6 months?
Please use 5 out the following articles: all the articles are attached.
1. The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Stress and Burnout in Nurses
Alyssa A. Green, BSN, RN Elizabeth V. Kinchen, PhD, RN, AHN-BC
2. Exploring a social work lead mindfulness-based intervention to address burnout among inpatient psychiatric nurses: a pilot study
Donna M. Wampole DSWa and Sara Bressi PhD, LSW
3. The Mediating Roles of Affect and Coping Strategy in the Relationship Between Trait Mindfulness and Burnout Among French Healthcare Professionals.
Mathilde Sauvain-Sabé, Anne Congard, Jean-Luc Kop, Catherine Weismann-Arcache, and Arnaud Villieux Online First Publication, February 10, 2022.
4. Does self-compassion mitigate the relationship between burnout and barriers to compassion? A cross-sectional quantitative study of 799 nurses
Vinayak Deva , Antonio T. Fernando IIIa , Anecita Gigi Limb , Nathan S. Consedine
5. The relationship between workload and burnout among nurses: The buffering role of personal, social and organisational resources
Elisabeth Diehl, Sandra Rieger, Stephan Letzel, Anja Schablon, Albert Nienhaus, Luis Carlos Escobar Pinzon, Pavel DietzID
7. The importance of formal versus informal mindfulness practice for enhancing psychological wellbeing and study engagement in a medical student cohort with a 5-week mindfulness-based lifestyle program
Naomi Kakoschke, Craig Hassed, Richard Chambers, Kevin Lee
8. The Effects of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction on Nurse Stress and Burnout A Qualitative and Quantitative Study, Part III
• Joanne Cohen-Katz, PhD • Susan Wiley, MD • Terry Capuano, MSN, MBA • Debra M. Baker, MA • Lynn Deitrick, PhD U Shauna Shapiro, PhD