Short answer

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Short answer

  • Depth in your response when dis/agreeing or acknowledging post each post below.  Depth in response, providing new information, AND analyzing post in a way that extends meaningful discussions by integrating multiple posts, and offering alternative perspectives.  minimum 100 words each post.

Post 1:

1. What is the significance of the series title/name Unnatural Causes? Explain.

All of the correlations between health and external experiences that are explained in the series are experiences that individuals who are outside of a culture may not understand. It shows the importance of culture in health care, as it shows that all medicine cannot simply come from labs and numbers, not all causes of disease are “natural”. Not all causes are caused by genetics, trauma, or direct exposure to a hazard.

2. What are social determinants of health? Provide Examples.

I think this series makes me further understand the importance of education and health. If a layperson came up to me as a patient and told me that they had a drinking problem and had diabetes because the river was dammed, or that they are worried racism might make them have a baby prematurely, in all honesty I would brush it off. But an educated person who comes up to me using eloquent sentences might make me listen. I think it shows a little insight in to how society has placed more value on education which comes from vicarious learning than the true wisdom that comes from personal experience, regardless of classroom education.

3. What is the difference between individual health and population health? Expand on your response.

I think individual health can vary a little more from person to person regardless of sociological impact because of genetics and the random chaos of life. In a community, assuming the genetic pool is large, health issues that may arise in a large portion can usually be correlated to some other environmental factor.

4. How do inequality and social injustice produce health consequences? Provide examples.

The first thing that comes to mind is the Dakota Access Pipeline. The project would not only desecrate the lands and burial grounds of Native American communities, but also surely impact their health. Because of their social status and underrepresentation in the government, their needs and wellbeing do not have a strong voice in the choices that are made, their voices are not being heard. People with money and connections are able to easily sway those in power, regardless of whom it might destroy in the process of making a few extra dollars.

5. Clearly explain why health outcome is so much more than a combination of health care, individual behaviors, and/or genetics?

Health encompasses more than just the physical body, and even with physical injuries, the cause and the course of treatment aren’t always clear. Medical statistics usually focus on quantifiable information, like genes, age, race, aspects that can be black and white and measured. However, it is equally as important to look at the environmental factors, especially on an individual basis where it is harder to notice any patterns. Lastly, it is important to have a regard for culture in health. Although it is easy to look at contemporary western medicine in terms of pathology and treatment, one must realize that human culture is developed as a cause of the environment in which these communities grow. This reflection may give some insight as to why a person’s physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual wellbeing is unbalanced.

post 2:

  1. What is the significance of the series title/name Unnatural Causes? Explain.

The Series bring a perspective that society is either unaware of or is completely ignored issues of health that has been caused by change in community. Many of the issues that this series reviewed are issues our great country has brought upon itself.  The negligence can be seen as how certain socioeconomic status or disruption of natural prevalence has cause detriment to certain cultures.  The spread of disease that were once not a part of communities are spreading rampant amongst them because their society relied on certain resource that have now been depleted.

  1. What are social determinants of health? Provide Examples.

There many social detriments of health social as the Episode 4 of Unnatural causes points our many of which breeds a culture of futurelessness and destroys self-determination. The example of every feeling that it is normal for a person to have diabetes allows a community to change every day norms. People whom are grow up in communities not knowing what is the cause of diabetes because the lack the resource of healthy food and education to help prevent. The lack of investment in prevention or education for future generation to not tread the same paths are also social detriments because we are no solving the problem, the government needs to allocate these resources to those that need them and remedy these issues. If we allow for balance of health resources of health, education, nutrition and a means for living we would find less social determinants.

  1. What is the difference between individual health and population health? Expand on your response.

The difference between individual health and population health are the standards of what is being done to keep the balance of health individually or within the population.  Individuals are all a part of a population but not everyone share the same outcomes as a population health study holds. There are genetics in which people inherit determinant factor to likely acquire a disease in which if we all share this factor it would be incorporated in the populations health.  Individual health is the variable to the equation because only the individual can help determine which way the population health goes, such as a community farm grown in a busy city area where kids have access to fresh produce rather that processed foods.  I think individual determination can help more the population for good or worse.

  1. How do inequality and social injustice produce health consequences? Provide examples.

Health inequalities are caused  by social injustices like those Dr. Warne speaks about in the clip titles “Native American Treaties and Healthcareâ€.  These inequalities are so transparent as how Native Americans health care are not being funded appropriately and has caused a huge disparity in their health care.

  1. Clearly explain why health outcome is so much more than a combination of health care, individual behaviors, and/or genetics?

We are no different from the earth around us, as time changes many facets in life it can also change the balance in which we live in. It is like an ecosystem where if the balance is in some way disrupted, it will create imbalance.  Episode four clips all show the events that have led to the detriment to this population, where their way of life has been completely altered. Many other populations are also being effected similarly because of the change of everyday lives.  We today as a society are developing a different culture where fast food is acceptable because the significance of time and productivity rather than valuing family time or leisure.  People today as look at health through microscope but, there is a bigger aspect we are missing because our environment, planet is a big factor in our health.  The systems we have implemented are changing the way we live and has lead us to poor air quality, diet, stress and change in determination for ourselves. Though these clips show the disparities of the unnatural causes of the native American people health issues, it’s glimpse of things to come if we don’t find solution for our people.  I guess this why people from Hawaii and South Dakota are fighting to keep their lands untouched from big money companies whom don’t care for their wellbeing but rather their profits or economic contributions.  Health outcome are more significant than that of health care, individual behaviors or genetics because investing for better health outcome effect more than just the individual, their health care and genetic make-up. If we invest in our future which are the children by having better practices in life, it will create better outcomes in life for all of us.