Senior Fitness ISSA health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Senior Fitness ISSA health and medicine homework help

This week’s assignment:

Short Answer

1. In your own words, describe the effects of aging on the lungs. (2)

2. In your own words, describe the effects of aging on muscle. (2)

3. In your own words, describe why cardiovascular exercise is recommended for patients with heart disease. (3)

4.  In your own words, describe the effects of strength training on bone density. (3)

5. Explain the cycle of decline and offer three ways to break this cycle. Explain your recommendations. (5)

Learning Experience (20)
Choose one of the following learning experiences. Perform the experience as instructed and write a 250 word essay describing your experience and what you gained from participating. Provide a comprehensive explanation of your findings, including the answer to the learning experience, as well as how this knowledge can benefit you in your service to your future clients, friends, and/or family.

1. Research the different methods of body composition testing. Describe at least five methods you found in detail. How are they ranked in the research you found? Which method is best for assessing your older clients?

2. Choose one of the physiological conditions listed in Unit 4; find a national organization whose mission it is to educate the public and prevent this condition. For example: The American Lung Association provides education to the public regarding lung disease. Visit a local unit and speak with the health educator about the program. Discuss the prevention materials that they provide in your essay. Is fitness a part of the prevention program? Is the program accessible to older adults? Include the answers to these questions in your essay.