Review the module seven resources as well as the activities throughout the course pay particular attention to the marketing exercises in which you explored various marketing strategies as well as the module six worksheet where you considered targeted ma

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Review the module seven resources as well as the activities throughout the course pay particular attention to the marketing exercises in which you explored various marketing strategies as well as the module six worksheet where you considered targeted ma

milestone, due in Module Seven, you will defend the specific marketing and communication strategies you have come up with to support the service you are proposing for Bellevue Hospital. In addition, you will explain the communication strategies you will use to involve the internal and external stakeholders of the healthcare organization that will be impacted by the service you are proposing for the hospital.

Note that the stakeholders are unique from your target market. These stakeholders are the individuals who will either partner with you to employ the plan or be impacted by the implementation of the plan.

Prompt: Review the Module Seven resources as well as the activities throughout the course. Pay particular attention to the marketing exercises in which you explored various marketing strategies, as well as the Module Six Worksheet where you considered targeted marketing and communication strategies for a particular healthcare organization.

Next, draft a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following critical elements:

I. Marketing Strategies: In this section of the marketing plan, you will be defending specific marketing strategies and tactics to meet t