Research Proposal on Biodiversity

Instructions for Written Research Proposal
A project proposal is the first step in the development of a research project plan. The project proposal is
a relatively short (3-5 page) document that includes the goal(s) of the research project, the objectives, a
background section, a short version of the approach, expected results, and references. Like a good
resume, a good research proposal should peak the prospective client’s or grantor’s interest (instructor’s
in this case) in the first section of the proposal, and is more of a detailed annotated outline in advance
of a more detailed research project plan.
The proposal must be:
1. A minimum of 4 pages in length.
2. Include no more than 2 figures or illustrations, each being no more than 1/3 of a page in size.
3. #11 font and 1.5 spacing.
4. Include a title and all of the sections listed in the outline of a proposal below.
Outline of a Research Project Proposal
I. Goal(s)
a. State one or more goals of the project that are stated in way that captures why this project
is important and needed.
II. Objectives
a. At least two objectives that are detailed statements about planned outcomes of the project that
support the goal(s). These are more specific statements about how you will meet each goal.
III. Background
a. Some background that informs the reader on the subject matter, reference to previous research
that supports goals/objectives, and scope (temporal and/or spatial as applies) of the project. A
map showing the geographic scope of the project should be included if this applies to your
IV. Approach
a. Briefly, and step-by-step, summarize how the project will be done from data collection through
data analysis.
b. Emphasize any new or state-of-the art methods that will be used.
V. Expected Results
a. List TWO or more expected results based on similar work that has been done or based on your
experience or expertise.
b. Be careful not to promise too much in this section; simply give the reader an idea what they can
c. Providing alternative results based on the data collected and if the hypothesis(-es) was/were
accepted or rejected is a good approach as long as there is not too much uncertainty.
VI. References
a. Include all references and relevant sources of information that indicate you have done your
research, and include any publications of your own that show your experience if germane to the
topic of the proposal.
I have uploaded the description of the research proposal.
My questions are more centered on how you will determine, quantitatively, impacts on biodiversity in the parks.
-Will you gather historical data from the parks to address changes in biodiversity over time? It seems that the best way to address biodiversity change in the parks is to have the data over a longer period of time, and not just three weeks.
-consider choosing one or two parks that contrast in biodiversity or in the change of biodiversity over time to narrow your focus.
-the specific questions you will ask the park officials
I need historical data from online anywhere from the US
Student’s Name
Affiliate Institution
Understanding our environment and all living organism is very important. It helps in knowing the importance of every living organism in it. In an ecology, both plants and animals are important in many ways. It is well known that animals (human beings) use oxygen generated from plants to survive. However, it has been observed that some living organisms are becoming extinct in our environment. Biodiversity is an ecological term that describes a huge variety of plants and animals. It starts from the species level of a particular living organism up to the entire ecosystem (Haahtela, 2019). In this paper, I will be discussing how biodiversity has been destroyed. Human beings have destroyed the biodiversity that has threatened the existence of some species.
In this research, I will be discussing how wild animals have been threatened and their population reduced. Some wild animals are facing extinction due to the inconducive environment and challenges caused by human beings. I will research how wild animals such as elephants, rhinos, zebras, among others are being affected by human beings. The research is expected to be done for three weeks. It will involve visiting national parks and seeing how wild animals live and assessing their environment and some of the threatening factors around.
The research will also involve interviews from the relevant authorities to give data on animal variation in the park. Comparison data from some parks and what might have changed the ecosystem will also be discussed. At the end of the result, I will give qualitative and quantitative data on how the population of wild animals has been changing. The factors behind these threats will be discussed and give away what should be done. The information will be important to future ecologists and know how the ecology can be preserved.