Research article critique part 2 multiple choice questions

Instructions: A major skill that is learned in this course is how to critically read and critique nursing research articles. The purpose for critiquing an article is to critically evaluate the research process followed by the author(s) of the assigned article. This is an information-intensive, time-intensive process that is not learned overnight. To demonstrate your skill at critiquing an article, you will complete this open-book multiple choice assignment.
Here’s how you should approach completing this week’s assignment to finish critiquing an article:
1. First, do your assigned reading in Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015) and complete the reading worksheets early in the week. This will introduce you to the critique skills you will need for the week.
2. Skim the entire instructor assigned research article that has been posted on Blackboard for you so that you will have an idea of what it is about. Lightly cross out the abstract for the article (you won’t be using it). Then, for this week, re-read carefully from the study design section through the end of the article.
3. Print this document and find the best answer to each question below based on your Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015) assigned reading for the week and what you have read in the instructor assigned research article.
4. Some of the questions in the critique assignment below will seem unfamiliar to you. Look up key terms from the question in your textbook. Some examples of these terms might be: power analysis, inter-rater reliability, and generalization. You can also look in Chapter 12 for an example of a critical appraisal (or critique) of a quantitative research article.
5. Once you have completed this assignment “on paper”, go into blackboard and enter your answers by the assignment due date and time listed in the syllabus. Ignore any wording from Blackboard that indicates that “this is a test” and carefully enter your answers from this document.
6. You will have two access attempts to record your answers. This is given to you so that if you encounter technical difficulties on your first attempt, or you would like a second attempt to try to improve your grade, you may do so. You will not be able to see the questions that you missed when you submit your attempt. Blackboard will record the highest grade from the two submissions.
If you have questions about this assignment, you can post them to your group discussion board for help. Please do not post the exact question from the assignment below and ask the group for the answer as this would constitute academic dishonesty.
Questions 1 – 9: Sample. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters: 9 & 12)
1. What sampling method or plan was used by the authors in this study?
a. Simple random sampling
b. Systematic sampling
c. Convenience sampling
d. Network sampling
2. According to Grove, Gray, and Burns (2015), what are the potential biases of this sampling method?
a. This is a strong probability sampling method with very little potential for bias
b. This method is used when an ordered list of all members of the population are available, and provides a random but not equal chance for inclusion in the study.
c. This method provides little opportunity to control for bias because subjects are included in the study merely because they happen to be in the right place at the right time.
d. This method is specific to the individuals who were recruited and the information gained cannot be generalized to others who don’t share these types of experiences.
e. None of the above biases best describe the sampling method chosen by the author.
3. What was the final sample size reported by the authors for this study?
a. 200 participants
b. 84 participants
c. 159 participants
d. 161 participants
4. Was a power analysis conducted? If so, which statement best describes the results of the power analysis?
a. The authors mention that an a priori power analysis was conducted, and 200 subjects were
determined to be needed for the study.
b. The authors mention that a power analysis was conducted using four predictors and 1-way ANOVA using three independent groups for a needed sample size of 159.
c. The authors do not report that a power analysis was conducted.
5. Which of these statements would be considered an inclusion criterion for the sample in the research article?
a. English-speaking
b. Have at least two years of experience as a nurse
c. Work on a Medical Surgical unit
d. Be a member of the Medical Surgical Nurses Association
6. Which of these statements would be considered to be exclusion criterion specifically identified by the author for the sample in the research article?
a. The exclusion criteria were explained verbally during recruitment.
b. History of depression/ mental health issue.
c. Report of no stress related problems by the participant.
d. Participants only worked on the night shift.
7. What is the refusal rate for this study? (Hint: see page 253 in your text)
a. 161/200 X 100% = 80%
b. 84/159 X 100% = 53%
c. unknown / cannot be calculated.
d. 39/200 x 100% = 19.5%
8. Which of the following would be accurate for the attrition rate for this study?
a. 161/200 X 100% = 80%
b. 39/200 X 100% = 20%
c. 84/159 X 100% = 53%
d. 0%
9. What was the setting for this research study? Briefly describe the setting and indicate whether it was appropriate for conducting this study.
a. The setting for this study was a partially controlled setting and was appropriate for this study’s research design.
b. The setting for this study was not well described by the authors and therefore not appropriate for
conducting this study.
c. The setting for this study was a highly controlled setting and was appropriate for this study’s research design.
d. The setting for this study was a natural or field setting and was appropriate for this study’s research design.
Question 10 – 14: Measurement Methods. (For help with these questions, refer to chapters 10 & 12.)
10. Which ones of these questionnaires, scales, or physiologic measures is used in this research study?
(Select all that apply).