reply to 4 students posts for masters social work course

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  • Reading time:12 mins read

reply to 4 students posts for masters social work course

MUST HAVE AT LEAST 1 PEER REVIEWED REFERNECES EACH REPLY…Write as if you are talking to the student…

Post 1:

In working with Kali in the group for substance-abusing teens, I would be sure to demonstrate genuineness in my practice. By practicing genuineness, I would hope to create a comfortable atmosphere for Kali and the other clients, in order to help encourage the clients to be themselves during session (Miley, Melia & DuBois, 2017). I would demonstrate this skill by showing the clients that I have a genuine interest in them and their problems, and I would ask clarifying questions in order to ensure that I am understanding what they are trying to tell me.

In order to construct an empowering relationship with Kali and other clients within the group I would be sure to take responsibility for practicing with professional ethics, knowledge and skills with my clients (Miley et al., 2017). I would be sure to work in a goal-directed manner and also use research-based and ethically-sound strategies to working with Kali’s group (Miley et al., 2017). In order to demonstrate this when working with Kali’s group, I would be sure to guide the clients to selecting goals for their treatment, so that I am practicing in a goal-directed manner within the group. This would help the clients to take responsibility for their own treatment planning also, as they would be choosing the goals that they wish to work towards.

In my professional experience, I have found that it is very important to practice in a genuine manner, in order to foster a good therapeutic relationship, as this is often essential to a client’s treatment. Often clients can tell when you are not being genuine or are not interested in what they are trying to tell you. That’s why I believe it is important to ask the client clarifying questions and to always engage in active listening.


Miley, K. K., O’Melia , M. W., & DuBois, B. L. (2017). Generalist social work practice: An empowering approach (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780133948271.

Post 2:

The social work skill that I would use when working with Kali is trustworthiness. As social workers, we rely on others to trust us. According to Miley, O’Melia, & DuBois in order to get trust you have to give trust (2017). I would empathize with Kali in a non-judgmental way, letting her know that I understand her feelings and hesitation in participating in the substance abuse group. I would provide her with positive feedback and encouragement. I will be honest with Kali and show her respect, therefore building rapport with her. Once good rapport is established, Kali might be more willing to open up and trust me as her social worker.

Through the process of becoming empowered, clients gain control of their lives. Clients have the right to self-determination. Kali’s group has the right to decide what information they want to share about their lives. The method that I would identify would be respecting confidentiality. When working with Kali’s group confidentiality will be essential in our relationships. It is expected that the confidentiality of information acquired from a client will be protected. To maintain the groups confidentiality information learned in those sessions should not be openly disclosed. In the NASW Code of Ethics (NASW, 2017), Standard 1.07 outlines that social workers “should respect client’s right to privacy” (1.07[a]) by protecting “confidentiality of all information obtained in the course of professional service, except for compelling professional reasons” (1.07[c]). When working with the group I would educate then regarding confidentiality. I would inform them that I have a legal obligation to break confidentiality in certain circumstances and I would fully explain those circumstances. By respecting the group’s confidentiality it encourages them to share information that they might not otherwise feel confident to share. By them sharing this information it allows me to help them address their problems or concerns they may be having.

When I have a meeting with a family at work one of the first things that I do is to go over our confidentially agreement and we all sign it. I inform them that the things we discuss in the meeting are confidential and should not be discussed or shared with outside sources. I also inform them that there are instances when I am obligated to report information disclosed in the meeting such as when neglect or abuse is reported or suspected or when someone may be a danger to self or others.


Miley, K. K., O’Melia, M. W., & DuBois, B. L. (2017). Generalist social work practice: An empowering approach (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780133948271.

National Association of Social Workers. (2017). Code of ethics of the National Association of Social Workers. Washington, DC. NASW Press.

Post 3:

Recently, while working with two unrelated mandated Juvenile boys,(aged seventeen) are attending substance abuse disorder treatment with me. While working with these kids I identified a social injustice which has become problematic regarding technology and poverty for both young men. Neither of these children know one another and they go to different high schools. As a CADC, I often work with adolescent SUD Clients at the agency where I am employed. Both kids are from families that are dealing with issues of poverty. One family has significant addiction issues that relate directly to poverty the family experiences, and the other family consists of a single parent household with no support, the parent has limited education and lives on disability. Ironically, both kids are on probation for truancy and not SUD charges. Both young men are Seniors in high school, one is scheduled to graduate in February 2019 and the other scheduled to graduate from high school in June 2019.

The social injustice that I recognize is how the issues surrounding poverty have a direct impact on the ability of both kids to be able to complete homework and have equal opportunity and access to technology-related devices as their school peers who have devices can access. Neither of the boys has a computer or the Internet in their homes and must get permission from friends’ parents to complete their assignments, which is often very difficult for both kids. The homework from the different high schools is much the same and expected to be completed outside of class. Both high schools have a computer lab that can be used after school but only until 4:45 pm. When I called to see if either school had any access to computers or any ideas both school guidance counselors reported that the boys can use “the public library” (despite no transportation and often gas money). We live in rural Idaho where there limited bus systems and no other form of public transportation like a Subway System. Both boys work part-time in fast food and must contribute their income to their family for the ability to meet life-sustaining needs like housing, and heat. Both kids’ parents receive food stamps and have enough food. The only other suggestion made by the School Counselors was that the kids stay after school and do work in the computer lab (which is open from 4 pm to 4:45 pm at both schools). There were no programs identified to provide any lacking devices and Internet to students which have become necessary to complete assigned coursework. The School Counselors seemed not to be concerned and gave the impression that this is a continual and far from a rare problem. The solutions offered were simple and did not address realistic solutions and lacked entirely in the ability to understand the whole picture these kids face daily to get computer and Internet access.

Money allocated for devices and getting donated devices for high-risk students would be beneficial to students who could then check out devices or be assigned devices. One barrier to this solution is potential risks in which devices could be damaged, stolen, or be pawned.

Another idea to combat this social injustice could be a potential rewards program in which students earn credits towards devices that are incentives by grades and completion of a developed task list. The money for the devices (tablet, laptop, home computers etc.) could perhaps be donated by companies such as Apple, IBM, Dell etc. as a task write off for high-risk kids who are trying hard to graduate. Another barrier I see to incentivized student owned and earned devices is again the risk that the items may be sold, pawned, or stolen. One idea to address the barrier is more incentive programs such as money for books and upgraded devices if the device has been kept for (X) months/years to prepare the student for updated devices during any potential college degree seeking.

Computers have had a profound impact on schools and educational technology has come to mean computers and Internet accessing devices. Although outdated information, the National Center for Education Statistics (2000, February) states that 95% of all public schools were connected to the Internet by 1999 (Schargel & Smink, 2001).

Irving’s research found, “Households earning more than $75,000 are more than 20 times more likely to have home Internet access than those at the lowest income levels; Whites are more likely to have Internet access at home than African American or Latinos are to have access from any location; Latino households are still roughly half as likely to own a computer as white households and nearly 2.5 times less likely to use the Internet; Only 6.6% of people with an elementary school education or less use the Internet; and People with college degrees or higher are 10 times more likely to have Internet access at work than those with only some high school education (2001) 55-57.

In conclusion, there should be more concern over the growing digital divide between low-income and middle-class families and equal opportunity to access education, schools offer little support to resolve existing disparities for children who can’t afford such technology devices or Internet access.


21st Century Workforce Commission. (2000, June). A nation of opportunity: Building America’s 21st century workforce. U.S. Department of Labor.Bennett, F. (1999).

Computers as tutors: Solving the crisis in education. Sarasota, FL: Faben, Inc.Boe, T. (1989).

The next step for educators and the technology industry: Investing in teachers. Educational Technology, 29(3), 39-44.

Irving, L. (1999, November). Falling through the net: A report on the telecommunications and information technology gap in America. The U.S. Department of Commerce National Telecommunication and Information Administration.National Center for Education Statistics. (2000, February). Internet access in U.S. public schools and classrooms: 1994-1999.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES 2000-086).Schargel, F. P., & Smink, J. (2001). Strategies to Help Solve our School Dropout Problem. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.

Smink, J., & Schargel, F. P. (Eds.) Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach to Dropout Prevention. Clemson, SC: National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, 2004.

Wesley, T. (2004). Educational technology: Why and how it counts for students at risk. In F. P. Schargel & J. Smink (Eds), Helping Students Graduate: A Strategic Approach to Dropout Prevention (pp. 186-194). Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.

Post 4:

Homelessness is a social justice issue which affects an estimated population of about 554,000 individuals in America with 193,000 individuals unsheltered and living on the streets with no access to emergency shelters (HUD, 2017). An estimated 35% of these individuals include families with children (Katz, 2017). As a person who lives in an urban area and near a train station, I consistently see homeless individuals sleeping underneath the bridges and train tracks and standing in line at the shelter hoping to have a place to sleep for the night. The social injustices of homelessness include discrimination, poverty, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, and the lack of access to register and vote. Many people in the homeless population do not have the resources needed to access employment, healthcare, affordable housing and information to help with registering and voting. Moreover, there has been a decline in public assistance benefits and employment opportunities in the U.S. (Katz, 2017), making it even more difficult for those of the homeless population. The technology that could be used to address homelessness is mobile technology and the internet.

Some technology tools which are useful would be cellphones for homeless individuals to check the status of their public benefits, locate housing and/or shelters and in case of an emergency. Computers are useful technological tools for addressing the social justice issue of homelessness because with these individuals can apply for benefits and jobs online, register to vote and work to locate affordable/low income housing. With the use of computers, individuals can also engage with the virtual communities and find different means of support through clothes donations, food, money and/or time volunteering. “Information technology is an emerging tool for producing social change at local, state, national, and international levels” (Dunlop & Fawcett, 2008, p. 144).

Some potential barriers are because homeless individuals move around so much they may lose their cellphone or may not have access to a cellphone because they cannot afford to buy one or pay the bill each month. Another potential barrier would be having enough computers setup at a location and the support from people to help the homeless individual’s access and navigate them to find the information they need. This week’s text states, the barriers to using information technology are based on human resistance, not the limits of technology (Dunlop & Fawcett, 2008). I would address the potential barriers by ensuring professionals have the proper knowledge and training needed when it comes to using technological tools.

Dunlop, J. M., & Fawcett, G. (2008). Technology-Based Approaches to Social Work and Social Justice. Journal of Policy Practice7(2/3), 140–154.…

HUD Exchange (2017). Point-In-Time Estimates of Homelessness in the U.S., 2017. Retrieved from

Katz, M. H. (2017). Homelessness—Challenges and progress.Jama, 318(23), 2293-2294. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.15875