
  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read


The connection between Italian and religion is exceptionally uncommon. Italy is, intrinsically, a country grasping all doctrines and religions, where the connection between State and Church is controlled and endorsed by protected laws. Italy is viewed as a secular state, however, the primary religion in Italy is Roman Catholic. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (2018), Muslim, agnostic, and atheist accounts for the other 20 percent of the Italian population. The impact of the congregation is generally high as there are more Catholic places of worship per capita in Italy than in any other country. Despite the fact that the epicenter and government of the Catholic Church (the Vatican) and its leader (the Pope) are situated in Rome, Italy surrendered Catholicism as a state religion in 1984 to maintain a gap between religion and law. Dixon, Hawkins, Heijbroek, Juan-Torres, and Demoures states:

No nation is more influenced by its Catholic heritage and identity than Italy, even though Italian society has become increasingly secular in recent generations. Italy is the seat of power of the Roman Catholic Church. It has supplied more of the Church’s pontiffs than any other country; indeed, every Pope between 1523 and 1978 was of Italian origin. Unsurprisingly, Catholicism is an important part of Italian identity and tradition – even to many who are not practicing Catholics (2018, p. 53).


Because of Roman Catholic being the prevailing religion for Italians, it will be significant for individuals working with Italians to give careful consideration to Italy’s Christian occasions. Accordingly, trying not to plan any conference or arrangements on any of their vital religious dates would be respectful.